Even After Death

Chapter: 2365

Su Qingyu frowned. Although she knew that Xuanyuan Ying had always been rough, she still couldn’t just accept such words from a man other than Li Tingchen.

After all, Li Tingchen was from a good background, and he never said such words when he was the most indifferent.

“Speak carefully!” Su Qingyu said with a straight face.

She knew very well that if Xuanyuan Ying had made a move two days beforehand, he would have waited for Shen Changqing to cure her.

So at least now she’s safe.

Seeing that he couldn’t frighten her, Xuanyuan Ying let go of Su Qingyu in frustration.

“Why are we all human beings, but you are the only one with such a good brain?”

Su Qingyu looked at him warily, “I’m looking for my daughter, why did you arrest me?”

Unexpectedly, Xuanyuan Ying kicked open the screen in the room, and Xiao Wu sat there eating fruit and yogurt.

“I made it myself. I couldn’t find a chance to talk to you these days, so I had to ask her to help lure you here.”

Xuanyuan Ying stood there at a loss. It was the first time for a man like him to be so humble to please a woman.

Su Qingyu really had nothing to do with him.

She walked up to Xiao Wu and said, “How did you get bribed by him?”

Xiao Wu said in sign language: He said he would protect you.

Su Qingyu raised her hand and touched Xiao Wu’s head, “Eat, it’s okay.”

Xuanyuan Ying pointed to another bowl, “You can eat too, the refreshing yogurt and fruit I made specially for you. They say women like this.”

Seeing that Su Qingyu didn’t move, he couldn’t wait to get started, “I didn’t poison it. If you don’t believe it, I’ll show it to you.”

Su Qingyu sighed, thinking that now that he was on his territory, Li Tingchen must have reached some kind of agreement with him.

“Xuanyuan Ying, why are you like this? I said I won’t like you.”

“It’s my business to like you.”

Xuanyuan Ying looked at Xiao Wu, “Maybe the children want someone else to be their father, right, little girl?”

Xiao Wu choked directly at his words. Xuanyuan Ying quickly patted Xiao Wu on the back, “Don’t be anxious, eat slowly.”

When Su Qingyu saw the way he was photographing people, he quickly hugged Xiao Wu back and almost rolled his eyes at Xiao Wu.

“Xuanyuan Ying, if you really have nothing to do, just find a woman to have a child and experience what it’s like to be a father. Don’t waste your time on me.”

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