Even After Death

Chapter: 253

Li Tingchen was in a good mood at the moment, and even he was very patient.

Su Qingyu said word by word: “I want to stay and work by your side.”

In the past, she was immersed in his love and became a housewife with peace of mind.

It’s just that she didn’t see the light. She didn’t know Li Tingchen’s circle, and she didn’t even know who she had offended. It was a failure.

If she never comes out, she will always be played with by that person.

Su Qingyu’s mind has never been as sober as it is now. In the past two years, a black hand has been secretly promoting the development of things.

For example, the relationship between her and Li Tingchen, at first she thought it was just Bai Yuanyuan’s relationship.

This is not the case now. The man forced them to divorce in order to destroy Li Lanrui and further worsen the relationship between her and Li Tingchen, allowing them to get to where they are today step by step.

The photos he received last month also successfully added fuel to the fire, and Su Qingyu almost killed Li Qingchen.

If she hadn’t pulled back that day, the relationship between her and Li Tingchen would be completely over, and she would definitely be Lingchi to death by him.

What a vicious plan!

After thinking about everything, Su Qingyu began to put away the sharp thorns on his body.

She needed to help Li Tingchen find the black hand. In order not to scare the snake, she couldn’t tell Li Tingchen her plan.

Li Tingchen pondered, a pair of eyes swept back and forth on her face, as if she wanted to know what she was thinking.

Su Qingyu looked at him magnanimously, “You don’t worry about me, put me under your nose, this is the best way I can think of, I want to learn some useful experience to revive the Su family, who else in the world is more suitable than you?””

This is a good excuse, Li Tingchen will not doubt it.

“If you really think about it, I have no problem.”

She was right. Compared to her recruiting bees and butterflies outside every day, what tricks can she pull out under his eyelids?

Su Qingyu didn’t know what she thought of and her mouth was deflated, “The only thing I am worried about is the Bai family. The current relationship between you and me, she is afraid that she will not be able to tolerate me.””

You must know that Li Tingchen used to stand on Bai Yuanyuan’s side unconditionally. When Bai Yuanyuan cried and made trouble, didn’t her plan fail?

Li Tingchen stretched out her hand and stroked her head, her eyes flickered with a coldness that could not be ignored, “I can’t tolerate you, she said it doesn’t count.”

His voice fell to the ground: “I only count if I say it.”

Su Qingyu rubbed in his arms, “Achen, you are so kind.”

Li Tingchen lowered his eyes and looked at the furry little head in his arms. He obviously felt that something was wrong, but he couldn’t figure out what it was.

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