Even After Death

Chapter: 254

Su Qingyu seemed to have changed a person overnight.

Did she want to understand this sudden change or did she have another plan?

It’s just that, even if she has another plan, what waves can she pull out under her own eyelids?

“Can I come to work tomorrow?Su Qingyu raised his head, a small face full of earnestness.

“What position do you want?”Li Tingchen asked.

He didn’t mind giving Su Qingyu everything he wanted.

Su Qingyu licked her tender lips, “Assistant, the close-fitting kind.”

Li Tingchen’s black pupils slammed straight into Su Qingyu’s clear eyes, and he tried to see through Su Qingyu’s face. Her thoughts.

“What exactly do you want?”

This kind of Su Qingyu is really abnormal, and I don’t know what she is thinking about.

Obviously, she has become a good boy now, but Li Tingchen is a little uneasy.

“I’m not saying that, I want to live again, not to disappear for the rest of my life.”

Su Qingyu gently pulled the corner of his clothes, and his voice came from his arms muffled: “Is it okay?”

“Just like that?”Li Tingchen’s throat tightened, and he didn’t even know what to say at this time.

“Otherwise?Or are you willing to let me live in other cities?”

Li Tingchen pinched her waist and said indifferently: “Don’t even think about it.”

Su Qingyu smiled bitterly in his arms. He had already said that even if he died, he could only die by his side.

She closed her eyes.

That’s as you wish.

“That’s as you wish.”

The voice in my mind coincides with Li Tingchen’s voice.

Su Qingyu raised his head and smiled at him, “Are you full?”Do you want to eat more.”

“No, you go back and rest first.”

Su Qingyu broke free from his arms and said with a serious expression: “How can this work?I will be your secretary from now on, and I have to adapt to your rhythm in advance.”

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