Even After Death

Chapter: 267

“The time is still too short, I haven’t found it yet, but at most ten and a half days, I will give you an answer.”

In fact, it didn’t take so long, just in case, he deliberately delayed some time.

“In addition to Dr. Mu, Wu Ren and others, Qi Xiao, I have to trouble you to do one thing for me.”

Qi Xiao didn’t hesitate at all,“You said.”

“Find a good nursing home for my father. The place he is currently in is no longer safe. He will become an outcast anytime, anywhere. I want to send him away without anyone noticing. There must be that person’s eyeliner by my side and by Li Tingchen’s side. I can only trust you.”

Su Qingyu also felt that he and Qi Xiao were not related for no reason, and it was not good to always trouble others.

She added: “Now I only have 500 million left. I can’t take this money away if I die. I will leave it to you as a reward for helping me.”

Qi Xiao glanced at her deeply, her eyes seemed to be a little disdainful, “Our deal is an island, it’s enough for you to keep your word.”

Su Qingyu nodded, “I may have to trouble you to help me with one thing.”


“Take me out of here, I want to check on Jane An, that girl has a lot of secrets.”

Su Qingyu followed Qi Xiao out of the back door, and she changed into a special outfit.

What surprised her was that Qi Xiao’s easy-to-tolerate methods were very powerful, and putting something on her face easily changed her facial features.

With another layer of dark powder, Su Qingyu was more than a dozen years old in an instant.

Qi Xiao’s face was the same as hers, and he had become a middle-aged man, and he couldn’t see what he was like.

The two went to Fengyuan Psychiatric Hospital again. Su Qingyu pretended to be a distant relative of Jian An to find the dean, but Qi Xiao did not show up, and turned into the iron net in three or two.

Su Qingyu was speechless when he saw it. Even if there was no electricity, it was full of barbs. How did Qi Xiao do it!

They were divided into two ways, Su Qingyu explained his intention, and the dean who received her also showed a look of regret on his face.

“Hey, this child is pitiful and dead. Her parents have not visited her once after being sent in for so long, and the body has been unclaimed until now.”

Su Qingyu thought he had been cremated, but he didn’t expect to be buried in the funeral home.

Jane An’s young face appeared in her mind. Some people were pitiful to live, but she didn’t expect it to be more pitiful to die.

“Don’t worry, Dean, we will take her back for a good burial. Her parents are abroad, and it is more troublesome to return home. I will take care of her affairs. There are still her old things here.”

“Okay, I’ve put away all her old things, so come here.”

Su Qingyu stopped by the ward last time he passed by, “I want to go in and have a look, can I?””

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