Even After Death

Chapter: 278

After so many years of love, she couldn’t give up in three or two months.

She hugged her knees and put her head on her knees, thinking about the picture of Li Tingchen and Bai Yuanyuan on the bed at this moment, her heart ached like a knife.

Just like this until dawn, she stayed up all night until the big owl left.

Su Qingyu looked at the cold bed beside him and smiled at himself.

The mobile phone on the bedside table rang, she quickly connected, and Fan Chenxi’s voice came from inside. She repeatedly asked Su Qingyu to go over, saying that Su Qingyu had made her favorite breakfast, and Bai Xin also wanted to meet her.

Su Qingyu hung up the phone coldly, but his legs got out of bed uncontrollably.

Mom’s breakfast, she hasn’t eaten it for many years.

In her memory, Fan Chenxi is very virtuous and cooks a good dish. Although she rarely cooks, Su Qingyu will be amazed for a long time every time.

When she reacted, she had already arrived at Bai’s house.

The servant greeted her in politely, and Fan Chenxi was as noble and generous as ever.

It can be seen that Bai Xin treats her well, and she has been smiling most of the time in these meetings.

Unlike the days when Su Qiping was by his side, he was like the little dragon girl of the tomb school who was unsmiling.

Both love and dislike can be expressed on her face. At that time, she was cold to Su Qiping herself, and even cooking was only when she was in a good mood.

Su Qingyu has been able to perceive the different atmospheres between her parents since she was a child, so she is as good as possible.

Even if she likes to eat her mother’s food very much, she wants Fan Chenxi to go to every parent-teacher meeting, but she never mentions it.

She thought that as long as she got better in the exam and was more obedient, her parents would be better off and accompany her to the playground on her birthday.

In the end, Su Qingyu waited for parting.

Seeing her standing at the door, Fan Chenxi hurriedly came over and took her hand: “Xiao Yu is here, come here quickly, if you are hungry, come and have breakfast.”

It’s rare for Bai Xin to be less serious, and he smiled and said, “Yes, taste it. Your mother specially prepared it for you. Qingyu, I was also very surprised about your father. If you don’t mind in the future, you can treat me as half of your father. The Bai family is also your home.”

It could be seen that the man was not lying, but Su Qingyu was not moved at all.

There are some obstacles that she can’t cross even if it takes a lifetime.

When she was enthusiastically pulled to the table, Fan Chenxi pushed a bowl of braised noodles in front of her, “Eat it, I remember you liked it the most when you were a kid.””

Su Qingyu didn’t move. She liked spicy food since she was a child. Her favorite breakfast was red oil noodles instead of braised noodles.

Fan Chenxi’s offerings generally pushed a few more dishes, fried buns, roasted wheat, and sandwiches.

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