Even After Death

Chapter: 281

“Tingchen, I know you are a good boy with affection and justice. You don’t have to excuse this girl. She has been a liar since she was a child. I know her character too well. As long as she wants to do one thing, she will do whatever it takes to achieve her goal.”

Su Qingyu’s finger bones were pinched white, and even the corners of her clothes were pinched and shaped by her.

She didn’t even want to explain anymore, yes, she pretended to be sick when she was a child.

That’s because the children in the same class said that when they were sick, their busy mothers would ask for leave to be at home. They would not only take care of themselves gently, but also make themselves what they wanted to eat.

That’s why she pretended to be sick and tried to make her mother, who had always been cold to her, look at herself more, even if she put her palm on her forehead, even if there was a little bit of pain in her eyes, even if she didn’t ask a question, she could be happy for a long, long time.

It’s a pity that the child’s trick was exposed in an instant.

She didn’t give up, so she took a cold bath all night, and the next day she had a high fever and was delirious.

Su Qingyu thought to herself that her mother would take care of herself gently this time, and she didn’t know if she could eat the cake made by her mother.

She had already thought about it, and she wanted to eat the bear cream cake made by her mother.

But Fan Chenxi walked to her bed, looked at her red face condescendingly, and her voice was extremely cold: “Why don’t you learn well at a young age?”Pretending to be sick again?Housekeeper, send her to school.”

“But madam, I looked at the young lady’s face very ugly, maybe she was really sick.”

“Oh, how could she be sick when she is in such good health?I must not want to go to school and pretend to be sick. I don’t need to send her today. Let her walk by herself.”

After speaking, Fan Chenxi left, no matter how dumbly she yelled, it was not.

It was like the day she left, and she never looked back as soon as she left.

Obviously, as long as she put her hand on her forehead, she could know whether it was true or not, but she didn’t want to do such a simple action.

When the little self fainted in the snow and the housekeeper picked him up, Su Qingyu asked in a very low voice: “Grandpa housekeeper, do you think my mother really loves me?””

The housekeeper was so distressed that she couldn’t speak, “Miss, there is no mother in the world who doesn’t love her children.”

“That’s it……”Su Qingyu smiled happily, “I didn’t lie to her this time. Can you tell her that I am really sick and I want to eat the bear cream cake she made.””

The result was that she went out early in the morning, doing beauty, drinking afternoon tea, and listening to concerts.

The housekeeper called, and she said coldly: “Tell me what to do?I am not a doctor, so I will find a doctor when I am sick.”

Su Qingyu was burned in a daze, and kept calling for cake in his dream.

She ordered the cake for a whole day until she retired and watched the heavy snow outside. The housekeeper held the bear cake and she smiled and bloomed.

“This must be made by mom, right?”


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