Even After Death

Chapter: 287

Unfortunately, she came out in a hurry today and didn’t have time to install painkillers.

Su Qingyu curled up in a ball and fell under the tree, she could feel her consciousness pulling away a little bit.

Holding the phone, ready to dial 120.

She doesn’t want to die yet, at least not today!

There was already some ambiguity in front of her, and her fingers were trembling. She pressed the last zero a little bit, just press the dial button.

However, her consciousness that had persisted for a long time was withdrawn at this moment, and darkness struck.

With a ”boom”, Su Qingyu hit the ground.

In the last second before she was unconscious, she seemed to see Li Tingchen’s car leaving the side of the road not far from her.

The sound of ”creaking” footsteps came slowly, and one person walked up to her and sighed, then squatted down and picked up Su Qingyu.

Su Qingyu really thought she must be dead this time. After all, although her body was a little weak at the beginning after the chemotherapy, her stomach did improve.

The days on the island were probably in a better mood. She felt that she was recovering well and had not vomited blood for a while.

Today she doesn’t know if she was stimulated, even if she didn’t bleed so much before.

Large tracts of red almost pierced her eyes, and she was unconscious with unwillingness.

When she opened her eyes again, her nose was filled with disinfectant, and the walls were as white as snow.

The stomach pain is slightly better, and it doesn’t hurt that much anymore.

“Sister Su, you are awake!Are you feeling better?”A familiar male voice came, and Su Qingyu followed his voice.

Isn’t it Zhou Yuantang who I saw on a cruise ship before?Young Qingjun’s face was full of concern.

Su Qingyu just woke up with some weakness in his voice, “Did you save me?””

“Well, as soon as I was about to go out, I found you lying on the side of the road. At that time, your body was full of blood. It really scared me to death.”

Zhou Yuantang scratched his head and said with a bad expression: “Sister Su, I’m sorry. I always wanted to apologize to you for the incident on the boat before, but your phone couldn’t get through before.”

“It’s okay, I can understand, it was just an accident.”

Su Qingyu looked at the injection inserted on the back of his hand, and only half of the liquid in the hanging bottle flowed.

“By the way, how is Uncle Su?I just returned to China. I originally wanted to visit, but I was afraid it would be too presumptuous.”

When it comes to Su Qiping, Su Qingyu’s face dimmed, “It’s not very good. I haven’t woken up yet. I have taken your heart. For the time being, most people on his side can’t get in.””

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