Even After Death

Chapter: 306

Li Tingchen was polite and distant, teasing Li Qingchen with all his heart.

No matter how teasing, Li Qingchen has rarely laughed recently, and most of the time he looks out the window. Only when Li Tingchen is there will he be a little happier.

After the meal, Li Tingchen hugged Li Qingchen and played in the living room. Bai Yuanyuan pushed Li Baishuang, “Go, go to Dad.””

Li Baishuang has been very afraid of Li Tingchen since he was born, and he usually doesn’t even dare to approach Li Tingchen, let alone play with him.

“Come here.”Li Tingchen beckoned, and Li Bai Shuang walked to his side tremblingly.

He stretched out his hand to pick up Li Baishuang and comforted in a soft voice: “Don’t be afraid.”

This child is very similar to Bai Yuanyuan, but those eyes are the same as her father.

Li Tingchen picked up a book, “Come on, I’ll tell you a story.”

Bai Yuanyuan watched this scene and vowed in her heart that she must marry Li Tingchen as soon as possible.

After the two children fell asleep, Bai Yuanyuan and he went into the room one after the other.

Li Tingchen locked the door and took out a quilt from the cupboard with a cold expression, “Just like last night, you sleep on the bed and I sleep on the sofa.”

Bai Yuanyuan’s face was full of grievances: “Ting Chen, we are about to get the certificate soon. We are originally a family……”

Li Tingchen glanced at her coldly, the light in her eyes was murderous.

“Bai Yuanyuan, how long has he been dead, have you been so impatient?””

Li Tingchen picked up her collar and said word by word: “Don’t forget your identity, cousin.”

Early the next morning, Su Qingyu appeared in the office full of energy.

Compared with the red eyes and haggard faces of other colleagues in the office, it is like a human being walking into a circle of zombies, which is in stark contrast.

Su Qingyu didn’t seem to remember the run of others yesterday, and greeted Fang Lanlan politely.

“Good morning.”

That dazzling smile made Fang Lanlan feel uncomfortable. After picking up a cup of coffee, he returned to his work station, still insinuating in his mouth: “Some people are really idle.”

Su Qingyu was not used to it either, and said innocently: “I want to participate in the planning day, don’t you think I am a newcomer, afraid that I will reveal the planning plan, and you won’t even let me in?”What grievances are you pretending to be wronged now?”

Fang Lanlan had a fire in her heart, and threw the information in her hand on the table fiercely, “Su Qingyu, what are you talking about?””

Su Qingyu shrugged, “It’s nothing, I said you should stand up again.”

“Su Qingyu, keep your mouth clean for me. What kind of thing are you, and you deserve to talk to me like this?””

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