Even After Death

Chapter: 318

He used to stand here alone for a long time, Su Qingyu squeezed into his arms, his eyes big and bright, “Achen, why do you always like to stay in such a tall and secluded place?”It’s pitiful to look at the lonely one.”

“I’m pitiful?”He lowered his head.

She shook her delicate eyebrows and raised the corners of her mouth high, “But if I stay with you in the future, you will no longer be alone.”

The person in his arms coincides with the face in his memory, and Li Tingchen said word by word: “If you say you will stay with me, I am not alone.”

Su Qingyu’s face was faint, “Yes, I said, but isn’t it you who pushed me away from you?””

Li Tingchen painted her eyebrows with her fingertips, and those black pupils were like deep pools, trying to absorb her deeply.

“What if I say, now I want you back?”

Su Qingyu replied without hesitation: “It’s late.”

She turned her back to Li Tingchen and pointed to the scenery under their feet, “In the past, I was pushed down from here by your own hands. With all my love for you, she was unwilling and fell to pieces.”

Li Tingchen’s hand around her waist was tightening, and the next second, she was hit hard against the glass.

He lowered his eyes and stared at her clean and white face earnestly, his voice calm and cold, even with a bit of threat.

“It doesn’t matter where your heart is, anyway, what I want is your person.”

Li Tingchen is like a high god, easily controlling the life and death of mortals.

And she was like an ant in front of him, and he could easily crush her as soon as he raised his hand.

Even his voice carried supreme pride.

“You see, it doesn’t matter if you are happy or not. What matters is what I want to do, and I still can’t change it, just like before.”

His wanton behavior caused Su Qingyu to have a great sense of rebellion in his heart.

“Li Tingchen, I am not the Su Qingyu who used to be full of you.”

She stretched out her hand and pushed away his body, her face full of rebellion.

Such an expression made Li Tingchen very dissatisfied, “What?I begged me not to divorce before, but now I won’t even touch you?”

The more Su Qingyu struggled, the more angry he became, and his eyebrows were full of anger.

The surprise of the strength of men and women made Su Qingyu Wohuo, with extremely cold glass in front of him, which contrasted sharply with the body of the man behind him.

She took out the final killer, “Li Tingchen, the premise of touching me is that you find Leo for me, but after so long, what about others?”

One sentence was like cold water falling from the sky, breaking the fiery atmosphere of the two of them now.

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