Even After Death

Chapter: 342

Su Qingyu couldn’t even say this to himself.


“Is he dissatisfied?If you are not satisfied, we can change it.”

Li Li knew that Mr. Wang’s list only allowed her to temporarily surpass Group B, but Group B also had cooperation under discussion, and she was still in Group C.

This project is the key to the decisive victory, and Li Li had to put aside her grievances and put all her thoughts on this project.

“Su Qingyu, don’t hesitate, what did Mr. Li say?””

“Yes, for better or worse, you can say something.”

Su Qingyu raised his head again, “Mr. Li said that I will do this project.”

“What did you say?”Everyone thought they had heard it wrong.

Su Qingyu said calmly: “I said, starting from today, I will take over this project, and I will contract it from planning to execution.”

She knew in her heart that Li Tingchen didn’t let her come to the workplace to experience interpersonal relationships, after all, he would hand over a company to her next.

What he wanted to see was not how she tried her best to please her boss every day and how to get along with her friends.

She only has one month to let him see the plasticity in her body.

Li Tingchen wanted to exercise her strength, but she didn’t know that her intention was just to investigate the truth.

But being forced to do this, there is no turning back.

From the beginning, she begged for death with all her heart, until she gradually had hope of living.

It is not impossible to revitalize the Su family, as long as she has a life to live.

Bai Yuanyuan, who walked out of the company’s door at this moment, was already mad. She dialed the special number again and said angrily: “How long will it take for the plan you mentioned to be implemented?””

“What’s the hurry?”The voice on the other end of the phone is muddy.

Bai Yuanyuan said one word at a time: “I want Su Qingyu, this bitch, to die without a place to be buried.”

There was a low smile over there and then replied: “Soon you will be able to see this day. I am different from you. Not only do I want her to die, I also want her to die!Experience the feeling that you can’t survive and you can’t die.”

Su Qingyu’s slap quickly spread throughout the department, and then he contacted Li Tingchen to give her the project separately. This was the first time in history.

Smart people have already smelled something wrong, and everyone knows that Su Qingyu was the one Chen Ling personally threw in.

Now it seems that the backer behind her is not Chen Ling but Li Tingchen!

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