Even After Death

Chapter: 356

Among Li Tingchen’s twinkling pupils, the corners of Su Qingyu’s mouth were slightly raised, and he said in a very calm voice: “I used to think that the spring breeze was not as good as you, but when I stood alone, I waited for the cicadas to sing from the branches. In summer, the autumn leaves are yellow, and the winter snow is rustling.I really couldn’t wait, so I had to drag my tired body forward slowly. Later, I discovered that the spring breeze, summer cicadas, autumn leaves, winter snow, everything in the world is better than you.”

She raised her hand gently, and her slender fingers stroked the face in front of her that she had loved so vigorously.

“Li Tingchen, I can’t deny that I haven’t completely forgotten you. Maybe I won’t be able to erase you from my heart for a long time. You will still affect my emotions and affect my nerves, but……I really don’t have the energy to think about you anymore.”

Finally, his fingertips fell on his lips, “Li Tingchen, aren’t you tired of years of entanglement, love and hate?”I’m tired. I don’t want to waste any more time on you and Bai Yuanyuan, and I don’t want to be unhappy because of irrelevant people. We will be fine in the future, okay?”

Li Tingchen’s eyes clearly reflected her face, so familiar, but so strange that he felt he had never seen it before.

He gritted his teeth and squeezed a cold voice out of his throat: “Su Qingyu, do you just want to divide the boundaries with me?””

Su Qingyu calmly looked into his eyes. At this moment, she was not afraid or disguised.

“Yes, if it weren’t for finding Leo, I wouldn’t take the initiative to find you. Although I don’t like Bai Yuanyuan, I don’t want to be the second one. I’m still entangled with you when you have a marriage relationship. Divorce is not just a marriage contract, but a choice made by two adults. Now what you have to do is respect your choice.”

He let go of the hand on her shoulder a little bit, “I hope you don’t regret your choice today.”

Su Qingyu thought he would be scared and at a loss.

But really at this moment, she found herself much quieter than she had imagined.

“In the past, I was afraid of dark, afraid of you leaving, and afraid that you would no longer love me. I closed my eyes, blocked my ears, and stopped moving forward, but now I know that the reason why it is terrible is because I closed my eyes and didn’t dare to face it. When I really accepted the reality and didn’t care about anything, I realized that you were the one I was most afraid of losing, but I have already lost you. What else am I afraid of?”

Li Tingchen opened his mouth. He wanted to explain, but finally found that he didn’t know where to start.

He could only hang down his hand weakly and looked at Su Qingyu with a complicated look.

“Have you really thought about it?”

Su Qingyu tried his best to raise a smiling face, “Achen, I really tried, because I have always believed in this sentence. When you plan to give up your dream, tell yourself to hold on for one more day, one week, one month, and one more year. You will find that the result of refusing to leave is surprising.”

She raised her hand and made a gesture of two, “I have persisted in this sentence for two years, looking forward to a miracle.”

“You won’t know what kind of mood it is when I am alone at home and see the sun set, the moon climbs into the sky, the food is cooked and warmed, and I am guarding a person who will never come back.”

“You won’t know the bankruptcy of the Su family, the car accident of my father, the loss of my lover, the loss of my children, and the taste of losing everything. During that period of time, I was in and out of the hospital, but you were with Bai Yuanyuan when I needed you most.”

There were tears flashing in Su Qingyu’s eyes, but he still maintained a smile, “I have tasted heartbreaking, I have tasted ten thousand arrows through my heart, and I have tasted the betrayal of my relatives. I have struggled in the mud for two years, but the ending I waited for is still unsatisfactory. I can’t help it. You don’t lack me. Why should I be affectionate?”

She grabbed Li Tingchen’s arm and said word by word: “I can feel that you don’t hate me anymore. Since you don’t want to hurt me, Achen, just look at the past affection and let me go, okay?”

Li Tingchen did not answer, but just poked her hand away.

That day, he closed the door gently.

That sentence was really fulfilled, and the sound of closing the door was the smallest when I really left.

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