Even After Death

Chapter: 357

Su Qingyu slowly slid his body down along the wall of the bathroom, tears slowly flowing out of his fingers.

She gave up the love in her heart with her own hands, and the pain was no less than a pot of cold water to extinguish the hot charcoal fire.

If you work hard, you will succeed, and if you fall in love, you will definitely be together. These two lies supported her when she was young, and she was full of blood, and her head plunged into his arms.

Fairy tales are not deceptive, the prince and the princess live happily together.

But no fairy tale will talk about the life of a princess after marriage. There are too many involuntary and helpless people in this world.

Even if Li Tingchen still had her place in her heart, she couldn’t accept that there was another woman next to her.

So she let go, completely let go.

She wants to get back to her former self.

Su Qingyu dialed a number, and a voice that hadn’t been heard for a long time came: “Are you okay?”

“I’m fine, senior.”Su Qingyu said with a smile.

Lin Yan talked to her about some recent developments. Su Qingyu had always felt guilty. Lin Yan was exiled because of her Li Tingchen’s words.

Lin Yan’s voice is as warm as ever. He has studied abroad and has fully adapted to the new environment.

Recently, I also made a girlfriend with a very good personality, and she can take on the position of dean after returning to China in a few years, so this further study is not a bad thing.

He arranged for Su Qingyu to have a stomach examination tomorrow.

“Qingyu, I am really happy for you that you can come out and be willing to embrace life again.”

“Senior, I will live well. Whether it is a day or a month, I will have hope to welcome tomorrow.”

A pretty female voice came from the phone: “Brother, I just messed up again……”

Su Qingyu ended the call with a smile: “Go ahead, brother.”

This night, she rarely relaxed and took a bath.

He also poured himself a small half glass of red wine, stood on the terrace, listening to the sea breeze, and raised his glass.

She shouted at the sea: “Su Qingyu, you have to live well!”

Early the next morning, she asked for leave, changed into a simple white dress, and called Qin Ou back to her alma mater.

In the past few years, the surroundings of the school have changed a lot, with more shops and buildings.

The early morning wind disrupted the girl’s ponytail and the green leaves that had just sprouted, and the little birds chirped and spread their wings across the blue sky above their heads.

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