Even After Death

Chapter: 376

Su Qingyu got into the elevator in one breath and pressed the floor button. She gasped for breath.

At this point today, why are you still here?


The elevator door opened, and she walked out slowly, only to see a person standing at the door.

Su Qingyu only glanced at it and turned around and went back to the elevator.

“Xiao Yu, don’t go.”

Standing at the door was Fan Chenxi, the person Su Qingyu used to think about day and night, but now she would feel distressed even if she took a closer look.

Li Tingchen was engaged to be married, so why did everyone who didn’t want to see come?

“Xiao Yu, Mom just said five minutes.”

“I have nothing to tell you for five seconds.”Su Qingyu frowned.

It happened that the neighbor next to him opened the door to come out. Su Qingyu didn’t want to be pointed at, so he had to open the door first, and Fan Chenxi followed her in.

This is the first time Fan Chenxi has come to her residence after returning home.

If Su Qingyu had entertained her very warmly before, she didn’t have it today. She changed her shoes coldly and gave herself a glass of warm water to moisten her throat.

“Go ahead.”

Fan Chenxi looked around. The apartment was not big, so she could finish it at a glance.

“Xiaoyu, I heard Yuanyuan say that she specially bought the Su family and gave it to you. Why don’t you move back?It’s so small here, how can it be enough to live in?”

Su Qingyu put down the water cup. There were so many slots in this sentence that she didn’t even know where to start vomiting for a while.

“That’s right, you have been mostly a young lady in Jinyi and jade food since you were a child. You live in a villa, wear a famous brand, and ride in a luxury car. In your eyes, such a small apartment is the same as a rescue station. You are not me. How can you know what I have experienced?”

Fan Chenxi hurriedly came up and took her hand, “Xiaoyu, although the Su family is not a top wealthy family, you have not lacked food and clothing since you were a child. My mother didn’t know that the Su family would go bankrupt. If I had known it, I would definitely bring you to my side.”

Su Qingyu hurriedly took out her hand. She knew that Fan Chenxi, a person who had never suffered before, couldn’t understand even if you broke her mouth.

“Don’t be pretentious, let’s talk, what are you doing here today?Let me guess, is it related to Bai Yuanyuan?”

It’s sad to say, every time her own mother comes to her, it’s for her stepdaughter.

Fan Chenxi is not a person who can hide her emotions, and an unnatural look flashed on her face.

“My mother is here to apologize for the last time. I know I was a little too much, but you have to think about it for your mother. To tell you the truth, I have married your Uncle Bai over the years. Although he treats me well, Yuanyuan has never recognized me as a mother. Even the old man didn’t like me. My mother had a bad time in that house.”

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