Even After Death

Chapter: 379

The other party thought she would panic as soon as she heard of this clue, but she didn’t expect Su Qingyu to find the flaw so quickly.

While he was stuck, Su Qingyu said, “Angkor, I don’t know what your purpose is, but you are the one my father personally funded. Without my father, there is no such thing as you today. I don’t ask for knowledge and gratitude, but at least don’t let the farmer and the snake make people chilling.”


The other end of the phone snorted softly, “You really have found out.”

Su Qingyu kept in mind what Qi Xiao said, don’t act rashly, and wait for him to come back.

Today is Li Tingchen’s engagement. What does the other party want to do when he chooses to seduce her at this time?

“Angkor, I don’t know who you are. People should speak their conscience. If you are for money, as long as you choose to cooperate with me, I can give you double or even more money.”

“Well, come to Moyu Coffee and let’s have a good chat.”

“I have something that is not convenient for me today. If you really have a clue in your hand, you must do it another day. As for the reward, you can open it casually.”

“It looks like you won’t come out.”


“Then there is nothing to say, Miss Su, you can’t escape.”

Su Qingyu wanted to say something. The other party had already hung up the phone. Su Qingyu closed his eyes. It seemed that everything really couldn’t be wrapped up.

The person behind the scenes wants to go to war with her head-on, and he has already torn his face today.

Su Qingyu was helpless, why is it today?

She vaguely felt that something big was about to happen.

Obviously she had retreated to the edge, away from Li Tingchen’s life, would that person still refuse to give up?

Fortunately, Qi Xiao arranged for other people to protect Su Qiping before he left. Although the salary was a bit expensive, it was safe.

Su Qiping won’t have an accident for a while, then she will be in danger.

Wu Ren’s bait didn’t take the bait himself, so there must be the next one.

But she still has to have surgery today.

What should I do?

Su Qingyu stared at the door, always feeling that there was danger lurking behind the door.

The palm of his hand was covered with sweat unconsciously.

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