Even After Death

Chapter: 409

With a knife in her palm, she was ready to fight to the death.

If Wu Ren dared to come over, she would definitely give him a knife.

“Look, there seems to be someone there, isn’t it Su Qingyu?”

Mu Qing took a long pole over, “Do you know if you pick it up?””

When the long pole came into contact with the floating corpse, Su Qingyu was so frightened that his whole body trembled involuntarily.

The body was fished to the shore, Wu Ren said indifferently: “Damn, it’s bad luck, it’s a dead body.”

“It’s dirty and smelly here. How could Su Qingyu’s delicate and expensive daughter, Miss Jin, hide it and go.”

The sound of footsteps went away, and Su Qingyu suddenly surfaced, breathing fresh air frantically.

Even if the air is still mixed with the smell of corpses, it is better than underwater.

She should have been afraid, but she smiled sincerely.

She survived!

As long as she is alive, she will have the opportunity to return all the humiliation she has suffered today and in the past to that person intact.

Stimulated by a strong desire to survive, even the torture of stomach pain gradually disappeared.

Su Qingyu pressed the switch of the bear phone watch in his hand, and a shallow light appeared.

Unexpectedly, she cared about her old feelings, and the watch that she had been reluctant to take off actually helped her a lot.

In front of him was the corpse, and the death was very tragic.

At this time, she didn’t care about being afraid anymore, I’m afraid this person’s family didn’t know she was dead yet.

Who will she be?

Su Qingyu went ashore, resisting the surging of his stomach and fear, and carefully looked at the female corpse, trying to find something that could identify her.

The clothes worn by the female corpse were expensive, but they were the high luxury of a certain big brand, and the big diamond earrings on her ears exuded a faint light in the light.

She also has a sapphire ring on her finger, which is collection-level at first glance.

Obviously, the person who killed her was not looking for money, otherwise she would have taken her jewelry a long time ago.

There was no sign of her clothes being violated.

On the contrary, there was a blood hole in the chest, and the cause of death should be a gunshot wound that was killed by a single blow.

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