Even After Death

Chapter: 41

But Chen Feng was worried and asked, “Madam, are you okay?””

“It’s okay, it’s just a little hypoglycemia.Su Qingyu smiled at himself, and then raised his heel behind Li Tingchen.

It rained all night, and the yard was full of snow. The servants of the old house didn’t know where they had gone, and no one took care of the snow in the yard. Su Qingyu was panting for a short distance.

She walked into the room against the wind and snow to keep warm, Li Tingchen stood by the door, her eyebrows full of ridicule: “I have to say, your acting skills have improved compared to the past.”

At that time, in order to keep him, Su Qingyu used all the tricks she could use, even if she used to cry and hang herself with the most disdain.

Su Qingyu only felt ironic when he heard this, and did not explain, but sneered: “Thank you for your compliment.”

She walked in indifferently from Li Tingchen’s side. The comfortable heating in the room made her feel a little more comfortable. She took off her thick down jacket, poured herself a glass of warm water, and leaned her body softly on the sofa before asking: “Come on, are you still divorced from this marriage?””

“I will inform you when the divorce is over, and you will live here temporarily.”

Su Qingyu sat opposite him with a calm expression, pulling the hairball from his hat with his fingertips and playing with it.

“Li Tingchen, you filed for divorce from me on the seventh day after I was born prematurely. I never understood why you were in such a hurry before. It wasn’t until that day that I saw the child with similar eyebrows to you that I understood that you were in a hurry to leave me to give Bai Yuanyuan a home.”

When he said this, Su Qingyu’s voice trembled a little more: “No matter how indifferent you have been to me this year, I have always stubbornly used your kindness to me to cover up your betrayal and your unfeeling love. I think maybe you are just having fun for a while. I am the wife you are married to. It must be that you will ignore me if I don’t do well. I can change it. I can even tolerate your mistakes.”

“Now think about how stupid I am. When you were hot with other people’s wives and children, I stayed in that deserted home, waiting for someone who would never come back.”

“It took me a year to accept this fact and understand how stupid I was in the past, so I let you go. It’s okay if you want to find your happiness, or if you want to give them a home, I don’t care.”

Su Qingyu got up and stumbled towards him, tears slipped from her cheeks and dripped on the cold floor tiles.

She stopped in front of Li Tingchen and looked at the man who was sitting upright with a calm face. Although he didn’t have any expression, his aura was also cold and scary, as if he was an instructor who would be angry at any time.

In the past, his expression was towards other people, and there was always a trace of imperceptible tenderness in the pupils of his eyes.

Unexpectedly, now he has become something else to him.

So, she should have given up on this man a long time ago.

Su Qingyu lowered his head, his red lips slowly opened, and his face was his rare despair.

She said, “Li Tingchen, I will let you go, and you will let me go too, okay?”

The almost begging voice made Li Tingchen’s heart tighten, and he saw the exhaustion on Su Qingyu’s face.

It’s like a dam that is about to collapse. It has been standing in the billowing flood for many years. The dam that thought it would never collapse suddenly appeared with a hole. When it gave up, the entire body was covered by the flood, and the stones of the body were torn apart by the flood.

Giving up is always easier than sticking to it.

When the entire dam was engulfed by the flood, no one knew how long it had lasted, how difficult it was to hold, and how sad it should be to give up the faith that it had held for so long.

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