Even After Death

Chapter: 423

Su Qingyu knew it in his heart, no wonder Li Tingchen said he couldn’t find it, he didn’t lie.

“Then my father’s surgery……”

“Sister Su, your safety in the country is not effectively guaranteed. That person can kill you or do it again. Even Uncle Su will follow you in distress. I mean you and Uncle Su will go abroad together, one to avoid risks, and the other to treat Uncle Su.”

Su Qingyu frowned, this was something she had never thought of.

It’s not so much that there is no, it’s better to say that you dare not.

Li Tingchen was like a big mountain in her heart, invisibly imprisoned a number of chains on her body, making her a prison and difficult to move.

“Sister Su, I have many friends who study medicine abroad. They are all top medical experts. I don’t say that your stomach cancer is treated 100% well, but the survival rate must be higher than that of domestic doctors.”

Zhou Yuantang licked his lips and continued: “I can see that you have let go of your ex-husband. What else is there in this land worth your nostalgia?You can go abroad and start a new life.”

Su Qingyu was like a frog that had been in a dry well for a long time. She murmured in disbelief: “Can I……”

Zhou Yuantang, on the other hand, was a little bird on the branch, constantly lobbying her about how vast the world outside the wellhead was.

“Of course you can!Who are you?”

Zhou Yuantang put his hands on her shoulders, “You are Su Qingyu, a talented medical student. You once removed your divine light for that man. Don’t you want to pick up the life you abandoned again?””

Su Qingyu’s pupils kept dilating and flashing, and Zhou Yuantang encouraged: “The Su Qingyu I know is not a resentful woman abandoned by a man, but a strong man who will make a comeback even if he hits the south wall. Sister Su, you are not even afraid of death. Are you still afraid of rebirth?”

Su Qingyu closed his eyes, his long thick eyelashes trembling constantly, “You don’t know, that person won’t let me leave City A. If I fail, I will pay a terrible price. This price is something I can’t afford.””

She let go of her hand and covered her face with both hands, “I’m not the Su Qingyu who can sail around as much as I want, Yuantang, what you see now is a prisoner bird riddled with holes and struggling with chains. .”

“Sister Su, you are a prisoner bird, then I am the knife to cut the chain for you. I will arrange everything for you and Uncle Su. That person won’t even know that we have already arrived abroad.”

Su Qingyu’s expression was tangled, “I……”

“Even if they guess that you are still alive, they don’t know where you have gone, let alone that you will go abroad, Sister Su, we will leave by water. It is not convenient for Leo to show up in City A, but he can come to the high seas. We performed the operation for Uncle Su on an uninhabited island, and you can also undergo the operation on the island to recuperate, even Li Tingchen will never find you in his life.”

Speaking of urgency, Zhou Yuantang stretched out his hand and grabbed Su Qingyu’s wrist, “I won’t be able to meet someone again in my life, what’s so terrible about you?”If Uncle Su is your only weakness, I will put this weakness under your eyelids. In the future, you will no longer have to be threatened or afraid of being kidnapped. You can change your face and survive again.”

Su Qingyu’s heart was moved. His conditions were really tempting, so tempting that she didn’t refute them at all.

“Yuan Tang, I can leave with you, but I have one more thing.”

“what?Sister Su, you said.”

“I don’t want my father to be burdened with false infamy all the time.”

Su Qingyu’s pupils suddenly showed a touch of hatred, “One day when I am alive, I will catch that ghost!””

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