Even After Death

Chapter: 444

“It was originally two days later, but there was a sudden expedited processing here. The approval has already come down. It will leave the country tonight. The freighter should already be in the port.”

“Damn it!Take people and chase.”

Li Tingchen picked up his suit jacket and ran out quickly.

He underestimated that kid too much, and he didn’t expect him to dare to take someone away under his nose.

Su Qingyu, who had already reached the sea at this moment, was blowing the sea breeze, looking at the slanting rain silk, but his heart was heavy.

“What’s the matter, Sister Su?”

“I don’t know, I just feel very upset.”

She feels this way every time before an accident, “It shouldn’t go too well to leave today.””

Zhou Yuantang smiled with certainty, “It’s okay, Sister Su, I have already arranged it. It’s cold outside, let’s go in.”

The freighter was about to sail, and Li Tingchen finally arrived at the scene at a close call.

Chen Feng took a group of law enforcement officials on the freighter, “Someone reported that there are smuggled items on your freighter, and the customs needs to recall and inspect it. You can’t leave today.”

The leading businessman hurriedly said, “Comrade, I have reported in accordance with the rules. I have been running this line for more than ten years. How could it be possible to smuggle it?””

“Isn’t it? We didn’t know until we checked it. Get out of the way.”

Soon a bunch of black and vast people came up on the huge deck, and Li Tingchen was surrounded by people, looking down at these ants like a god.

He glanced at a few stewards, but there was no figure of Zhou Yuantang.

Li Tingchen raised his chin high and asked, “Where is Zhou Yuantang?”

“Young master?How could he ship with us if he is delicate and expensive?Don’t make jokes about this gentleman.”

Chen Feng grabbed the man by the collar in a ruffian manner and said coldly: “Don’t waste time, I know he is on the boat, let him out.”

They checked the surveillance, and the car Zhou Yuantang was in arrived at the port two hours ago.

“Sir, we are an honest businessman, why are we lying to you?”

Li Tingchen didn’t bother to talk nonsense with these old fritters soaked in the mall, and went directly into the cabin.

“Sir, there are no goods here, they are all where we live. Don’t go in, for fear of getting your eyes dirty.”

Chen Feng kicked the person away, “Fuck you.”

Li Tingchen strode and kicked the doors of each room open.

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