Even After Death

Chapter: 484

“But no matter how good I am to her, respect her, and treat her like a guest, I can’t change the fact that she is withering. Women are flowers, and men’s love is the most important nutrient. After all, she still died of depression.”

“I don’t want my daughter to follow the old path of me and her mother. Even if you don’t treat her badly in material terms, your heart is on Qingyu. You can’t give her the love. Day after day, year after year, one day she will be the same as her mother.”

“Ting Chen, even for the sake of our friendship over the years, do your uncle a favor.”

No one knew Bai Xin’s pleading expression better than him. The backbone of this man back then, even if his legs were broken alive, he was shot several times in his body, and he didn’t surrender with only one breath left.

Such a clank of iron bones is now only kneeling down for himself, and besides, he is an elder he respects, and Li Tingchen can’t be indifferent.

Although he was very excited about this proposal, he also knew that Su Qingyu was extremely disappointed in Fan Chenxi.

He didn’t want to sacrifice her for his own benefit.

You must know that he has hurt her enough.

But the elder’s request made him unable to refuse, and Li Tingchen was caught in a dilemma.

Seeing his hesitation, Bai Xin even knelt down as soon as his legs bent.

Li Tingchen quickly supported him with his eyes and hands, “Uncle Bai, you don’t have to be like this.”

“Ting Chen, do you have to kneel for you before you can promise me?”Or what else do you want?As long as Uncle Bai can give you, even if it is this life, I can give it to you.”

Su Qingyu lived a rotten life on the island for several days. After eating and sleeping every day, his quality of life improved in an instant.

She ran around on the beach barefoot, carrying a bucket in her hand. From time to time, she saw one or two sand crabs, so she quickly clamped them into the bucket with a clip.

During the day, I wanted to come down to help, but I just jumped down and found that my feet were a little hot, so I took the small meat mat back.

She caught a lot of small sand crabs and walked towards the livestock area, and poured the sand crabs in, attracting a crazy chase of chickens, ducks and geese.

Seeing these living lives, her mood also improved a lot.

I went back to the room and took a shower to prepare for dinner, just in time to receive a call from Zhou Yuantang: “Sister Su, are you okay?”

“It’s very good, it’s delicious, it’s delicious, it’s good to sleep, and you don’t have to worry about being kidnapped.”

“That’s good. I want to tell you that Uncle Su arrived on the island safely. He just asked the doctor on the island to check him out. His health is as usual.”

Su Qingyu finally let go of his hanging heart when he heard this, and quickly asked, “Yuantang, have you finalized Leo’s side?””

“It’s finalized, he will be there soon, but Uncle Su still needs to make some preoperative preparations, and the operation time will take about two weeks.”

After receiving a positive answer, Su Qingyu was in a better mood, “The risk factor of this operation is very high, and I want to stay with my dad.”

At this time, Su Qingyu was not concerned about the truth, but that Su Qiping did not have a family member around him during the operation.

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