Even After Death

Chapter: 485

“Sister Su, I specifically found someone to locate based on your telephone signal. The signal source on your side was deliberately hidden, and I couldn’t find it at all.”

“It’s useless, I can’t find it on the map of the island.”

“It’s okay, Sister Su, I will personally take care of Uncle Su for you in a few days, and I will do my best to protect him.”

“Thank you Yuantang.”

“Harm, why is my sister so polite to me?I have always felt guilty for not being able to take you away this time. Don’t be afraid, sister. Next time, I will definitely not give him another chance to seize you.”

Zhou Yuantang’s warm voice swayed in his ears: “Sister Su must take good care of herself. The medicine I give you must be taken on time. As long as you don’t give up hope, you will definitely be able to see the sun.”

After hanging up the phone, Su Qingyu looked at the sunset in the distance, encouraged by Zhou Yuantang’s words, her once overthrown psychological construction was reshaped a little bit.

Everything will be fine, she believes.

Of course, what she wanted most was to be with her father.

Su Qingyu took the initiative to call Li Tingchen after eating, and the two have not contacted each other since he left.

If not everyone took good care of her, Su Qingyu would feel that she had been abandoned on a deserted island.

When the phone was connected, Li Tingchen’s voice came, as low as ever: “Hello.”

I used to feel heartbroken every time I heard it, but now there is only peace left.

Su Qingyu said, “How long are you going to lock me up?””

She used the word Guan, and Li Tingchen frowned, “Isn’t it fun on the island?””

This island was specially built by him according to her preferences, even if he would pick a prickly person, he would not be able to pick a problem.

Su Qingyu replied honestly: “Very good, I even want to stay here and leave, but I want to come back, and I can’t rest assured of my father.”

She asked in a low voice: “Li Tingchen, I’ll be back for a while, okay?”

Li Tingchen helped his forehead, he couldn’t refuse her request.

“Wait a few more days, I’ll let someone pick you up.”

After hanging up the phone, Li Tingchen looked at the pile of new evidence in front of him.

Without Su Qingyu’s time in City A, he let go of tracking down the whereabouts of the junkies and investigating the past.

He found the hometown of Sun’s siblings. It is said that the child has disappeared for many days. He found photos of the child from nearby villagers. Seven of them looked like Jian An and three of them looked like Sun Hao.

The Sun family sisters also disappeared in this city.

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