Even After Death

Chapter: 489

When I came to the laboratory marked with the letter z, the entire laboratory was dimly lit, only the light reflected by some electronic screens.

The woman stood still in front of her, “This is a new drug m that has just been developed.1.”

“Is it a drug that makes people lose their memory after taking it?Isn’t this developed by an overseas team?”

This project started ten years ago, and it took ten years to succeed, and Zhou Yuantang was also a little excited.

Human beings generally lose their memory due to a brain impact, or emotional breakdown and mental problems. No drug can make people lose their memory without damaging the nerves of the brain.

The success of this drug will be one of the greatest drug research of this century.

“After clinical trials, it was found that there are serious side effects and it is still a defective product. I need you two to improve it together.”


The woman rubbed the test tube and added word by word: “If people with serious psychological problems take it, they will be delirious, leading to schizophrenia and multiple personalities.”

“I understand.”

“It’s not peaceful outside these days, so you two will stay in the laboratory until the most perfect medicine comes out.”

The woman’s voice trembled with excitement, “I want to see it as soon as possible!””


Su Qingyu raised it for another two days. As long as her mobile phone was turned on, Bai Xin’s information would be inaccessible, and she simply turned off her mobile phone.

Lying on the soft big bed, looking at the sea level.

Although it’s good to stay here, she often thinks of what Li Tingchen said, when will he pick himself up?

Returning to your heart is like an arrow.

I can wait by myself, but my father can’t wait, and it won’t be long before I have the operation.

She dialed Li Tingchen’s phone again, and the voice from there was slightly tired, “What’s the matter?””

“I want to come back, Li Tingchen.”

“Wait a minute, I will come to pick you up in person.”

“But……I want to come back now.”

“Give me a little more time.”Li Tingchen couldn’t tell her what she was doing. Only when the obstacles were completely cleared, Su Qingyu was not in danger.

“If there is something you have to do, you can tell me.”He still said this patiently.

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