Even After Death

Chapter: 490

The less people know about Su Qiping’s safety, the better, so she didn’t even say anything about Li Tingchen.

“It’s nothing, it’s just that there is no news from my father, I’m a little worried.”

“Susu, as long as you don’t show up, your father will be safe. Stay on the island and wait for me.”

Li Tingchen asked people to check the events of that night back and forth, and the team that took Su Qiping was somewhat similar to the junkies.

Since it is an organization, how could two teams be sent here?

The whole incident is like a huge net, obviously it seems that the truth is in front of you, but there are many points that are strange everywhere.

He recalled a lot of things about cleaning, and cleaning has always been very concerned about him.

Once he got sick with a cold and cough. When he was cleaning the office, he heard it. The next day, he brought her pear soup, saying it was for cough relief.

Li Tingchen didn’t refuse the kindness of his elders and drank it on the spot. The strange thing is that even ordinary Western medicine can take two days to stop. He drank the bowl of pear soup and stopped coughing that day.

There are a lot of such small cares, she seems to care about herself very much, for fear of getting hurt.

But this kind of care has nothing to do with the love of men and women, but is more like family affection, so he has always taken care of her very much, and did not look down on her because she was cleaning.

Seeing him frowning, Chen Ling couldn’t help but say, “Mr. Li, it’s getting late, so you’d better rest early.”

“I’ll watch it for a while.”

There must be something he ignored.

“Mr. Li, the conditions offered by Mr. Bai are so good, why don’t you agree?Anyway, donating bone marrow will not hurt my wife’s body.”

“But it will break her heart, Chen Ling……”

Li Tingchen pinched her eyebrows, lowered her head and whispered, “I don’t want to hurt her anymore.”

“But it was hard to get the opportunity to dissolve the marriage with Miss Bai, and there will be no such honest reason in the future.”

In the eyes of others, this was clearly Baili’s harmless choice, but Li Tingchen did not agree.

He even rejected his proposal at the risk of offending Bai Xin.

“It was never the Bai family that tied me and Bai Yuanyuan.”

It was his promise to Qi Lin. He promised to take care of Bai Yuanyuan instead of Qi Lin.

“Mr. Li……”

“Stop talking, you go and do something for me, Susu is in a hurry to come back, I don’t have time to deal with them slowly.”

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