Even After Death

Chapter: 497

She put away the blade and took out another injection that had been prepared a long time ago, “Su Qingyu, this is a newly developed poison. It only takes one milliliter to kill. Don’t worry, you won’t die in pain. You can leave this world forever in less than 30 seconds.”

She was condescending, pushing the needle tube with her thumb, her eyes indifferent, “I’m tired of this game, let’s end it.””

After speaking, she covered Su Qingyu’s mouth and nose with a wet towel to prevent her from calling out.

Su Qingyu twisted his body desperately with both hands and feet, pulling the iron chain to a clatter.

No, she doesn’t want to die yet, she still has so many things to do.

But her struggle was useless, even if her wrists and ankles were worn out, she couldn’t break free from the shackles of the iron chain.

“Su Qingyu, don’t meet him in the next life.”

Su Qingyu shook his head frantically, and could only make a “hmm” sound in his mouth.

“It won’t hurt, it will be over soon.”

A tear slipped from the corner of Su Qingyu’s eyes, and the woman turned a blind eye.

She could only watch the injection get closer and closer to her, seeing that it was about to be injected into the skin.

The phone rang untimely, and she didn’t want to pay attention to it. The bell upset her.

“What are you doing?I am very busy.”Her voice came irritably.

In the next second, her expression changed drastically, and the injection that was about to be injected into Su Qingyu’s skin stopped.

“what?How could they know!Withdraw, don’t have a head-on conflict with them!”

After hanging up the phone, she pinched the needle again and stared at Su Qingyu coldly, her deep pupils full of hatred for her.

“Let’s go!”

Su Qingyu had already felt the tip of the needle touch the skin, and was about to push forward, when the door was kicked open abruptly.

It was her assistant who appeared in a panic.

“It’s not good. The base has suffered heavy losses. I heard that Leo has already left the base to settle accounts with him. You know, Leo won’t let go of such a good opportunity.”

“He came in person?”

“Well, the leader is.”

“Damn it.”

The woman cursed softly, and she didn’t have time to estimate Su Qingyu at all, so she quickly turned and left.

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