Even After Death

Chapter: 513

Seeing that she was also trapped in the drum like this, Bai Xin didn’t explain too much, and directly gave out the evidence in his hand, “You can take a look first.””

Fan Chenxi’s face changed drastically when she saw the paternity test, and she shook her head frantically, “It’s impossible, how could it be!”How could she not be my daughter?”

Su Qingyu soothed her emotions and said, “Fan, Aunt Fan, don’t get excited yet. I just learned the news. I have the same reaction as you. This report will not be false. It must be what happened back then. Think about it. You are indeed pregnant.”

Fan Chenxi muttered: “Although I don’t want to see your dad, it’s not a fake whether I’m pregnant or not. At that time, I had a strong morning sickness reaction and had been vomiting for several months, which tortured me enough.”

“No wonder you haven’t liked me since you were a child.”Su Qingyu also complained.

Fan Chenxi was a little embarrassed, her old face flushed.

“Then think about it again, did anything special happen during pregnancy, such as the child’s poor development, or did something happen on the day of delivery?”

“I had a strong reaction during pregnancy. The birth test showed that the child was healthy. I checked the gender early in the morning and it was a daughter.”

“I remember the day of the delivery very well. I stayed in the hospital in advance. The doctor has been by my side since the amniotic fluid broke. I didn’t give birth for a day, so I turned into a caesarean section. The beating was semi-numb. I was conscious.”

“Then what happened later?”Su Qingyu asked further.

“Later, the child was pushed out with me because I injured my body in childbirth, and it was very painful just after the operation. Your father and your grandmother focused on me and handed the child over to Sister-in-law Yuesao to take care of.”

Fan Chenxi recalled that at that time, her expression was also a little uncomfortable.

“In those years, I have been depressed and depressed. I had depression before and after childbirth. In addition, the operation made my body bad. I once hated children, so as soon as the child was born, I was held by my sister-in-law, fed milk powder, defecated, cleaned, and during confinement. I was in the confinement center to recuperate my body. As for the child, I didn’t pay too much attention to it.”

Su Qingyu frowned, “So when the child was born, the focus of Dad and grandma was on you, didn’t you look at the child?””

“That’s right, I was in pain like that at the time. In addition, this confinement center is hundreds of thousands a month. People have more experience in taking care of children than we do, so they don’t care.”

Su Qingyu supported his forehead.

She knew that Su Qiping loved Fan Chenxi, but she didn’t pay attention to her children!

There was more than one child in the confinement center. He was still young at the time. Such a small child was born almost the same. Maybe he was negligent in holding the child in the wrong place.

“I thought you knew that I was not your daughter, so you deliberately ignored me.”

These words were like a slap on her face, Fan Chenxi wanted to cry or not, choking and not knowing what to say.

Su Qingyu looked at Bai Xin from the side, “Uncle Bai, in that case, as long as you find the confinement center and find out the children in the same period of the year, you can find Aunt Fan’s biological daughter!””

Bai Xin held Fan Chenxi’s hand and comforted him: “Don’t cry, I will find your biological daughter for you. Presumably you and Qingyu still have a lot to say, so I won’t bother you.”

There were only two people left in the room. Su Qingyu and Fan Chenxi looked at each other. For a while, neither of them had adapted to their current identities.

It was Fan Chenxi who took the lead in breaking this weird atmosphere, and took Su Qingyu’s hand and said, “Whether we are mother and daughter or not, after all, I owe you. Now that I am terminally ill, it is my retribution.”

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