Even After Death

Chapter: 557

The woman squatted down, lowered her voice and said a word in Bai Yuanyuan’s ear.

Bai Yuanyuan’s face changed drastically. She stretched out her hand to unplug the oxygen mask, touching the glass on her chest with her fingers, as if she wanted to pull it out and die with the woman.

It’s just that she’s weak and can’t do anything, but the woman is extremely happy: “Enjoy it, what do you mean, life is better than death!””

Bai Yuanyuan was pushed away, and the woman also ordered: “Don’t be too polite, as long as you keep one life, you won’t die.”


The woman took off a beautifully blooming rose and put it between her nose and sniffed lightly, “What a beautiful day.”

A girl walked out of the dark, wearing a white dress, her long hair scattered behind her head.

A face is beautiful and exquisite, especially those eyes are exactly the same as Li Tingchen.

She walked out of the rose, as beautiful as a person who came out of a comic book.

Stopping in front of the woman, her voice was very respectful: “Madam, I just received news that Bai Xin, the patriarch of the Bai family, wants to see you.”

“Bai Xin……”

The lady raised her lips and smiled, “Okay, you arrange the time.”

The girl was a little surprised, she actually agreed so readily.

The woman in front of her seemed to be in a good mood. She released the rose, the petals flew, and she stepped on it mercilessly.


The lady patted her on the shoulder, “Xiaolan, you have to understand that when you get on this boat, there is no room to look back. Any brother is just a passerby to us.”

The girl’s face hung down, her long eyelashes covered the shade under her eyes, and she replied blankly like a puppet, “I understand.”

Coffee shop.

Su Qingyu arrived early. After knowing Su Shiyu’s identity, she was a little nervous. She had to know that before the Su family went bankrupt, it was only a middle-level family in City A.

The other party is a well-known international large enterprise, and the people he usually meets are either senior politicians or industry bosses.

When Su Shiyu pushed the door in, Su Qingyu hurriedly stood up, nervously visible to the naked eye, “Hello, Mr. Su.”

Su Qingyu was eager to meet Su Qingyu the first two times. I don’t know if it was because of her appearance. Su Shiyu felt a little kind to her.

“Miss Su doesn’t need to be so formal, sit down.”

The two sat face to face, Su Qingyu clasped his hands, his voice trembling a little, “I’m sorry, Mr. Su, I have something to ask for.”

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