Even After Death

Chapter: 558

“Miss Su, don’t say that, you are my savior, no matter what kind of help you need from me, as long as you speak.”

Seeing Su Shiyu also looked serious, she really wanted to thank her when she wanted to come, otherwise she would have taken the money out to send her away.

“Time is urgent, so I won’t beat around the bush, Mr. Su, I don’t know how much you know about junkies?”

Su Shiyu, who had just taken two sips of lemonade, calmly put down the cup, her face calm, “Well, I should know more than ordinary people. Miss Su might as well just say what I need to do. As long as I can do it, I will never refuse.””

“Not long ago, I was kidnapped by junkies and almost died in Huangquan. Some of them tried to attack me again and again. That’s it. My mother was diagnosed with leukemia and has not been matched with a suitable bone marrow. She was not in the advanced stage, but her condition suddenly worsened this morning. The doctor has issued a critical notice.”

Su Qingyu spoke quickly and did not conceal this stranger who had only met for the third time.

“I suspect that the junkie poisoned her, so she fell ill in advance. Now my stepfather is going to make a deal with the junkie in order to save his mother’s life. I am afraid that the junkie has a trap.”

Su Qingyu looked helpless, “Mr. Su, I’m sorry. I made such a request to you as soon as I met you, but I was really cornered. My father was in a car accident six months ago, and now my mother only has dozens of hours left. I learned of your identity before I dared to ask you for help.”

“Miss Su, don’t say that. Even for the sake of our surname Su, I will never sit idly by. I do have some doorways on the junkie side, but what do you need me to do?””

Su Qingyu was in a mess, “I……I want to save my mother’s life, but I don’t believe in junkies. I have a deep grudge with junkies. In fact, I don’t know what to do.”

She bit her lip and said word by word: “If I can, I want to find the person who tried to kill me again and again, but she has been hiding recently and can’t be found anywhere.”

After saying this, Su Qingyu was also a little annoyed. She said such a thing to a stranger, which sounds a bit ridiculous.

She didn’t know what was wrong, she felt very relieved when she saw Su Shiyu, and she unknowingly told all the thoughts in her heart.

Su Shiyu rubbed her fingers on the smooth body of the cup, “Don’t worry, I will find a way to find out for you who moved your hand on you about the kidnapping you mentioned. As for your mother’s affairs, I will immediately ask someone to go to the junkie to inquire, and try not to let your stepfather suffer, okay?”

Su Qingyu nodded quickly, “Mr. Su, do you really have a way?””

Seeing her shining eyes, Su Shiyu had the urge that she wanted the stars in the sky and he had to take them off for her.

“Well, I have some contacts, and I’m very happy to be able to help you. It’s not early. You can order a meal. You have to be full before you have the strength. I’ll go out and make a phone call.”

Su Qingyu nodded, watching the man leave gracefully, she felt a lot more secure in her heart.

Su Shiyu walked to the deserted corridor, and the assistant followed him closely. His eyebrows were gloomy, and there was no gentleness in front of Su Qingyu.

“Two things, first, find the person who assassinated Miss Su, and second, protect Bai Xin.”

Yang Bai nodded, “Yes, Mr. Su.”

After thinking for a while, Yang Bai added: “Mr. Su, you are so kind to Miss Su, just because you want to repay your kindness, or do you have another plan?”

Su Shiyu returned to the private room with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, “Sorry, I have kept you waiting for a long time. I have already asked someone to deal with your problem. Don’t worry.”

The man’s face was morbid, and when he smiled, there was a small pear vortex on his left cheek, which made him a lot easier to approach.

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