Even After Death

Chapter: 559

“Excuse me, Mr. Su’s face doesn’t look very good. Why don’t you treat him in the hospital?”It would be dangerous to faint like last time.”

“I have an old problem, there is not much problem.”

The waiter came over with the meal, Su Qingyu smiled at him: “I ordered some casually, I don’t know if it suits your appetite.”

I don’t know if it’s because Su Shiyu has always maintained an easy-going aura, Su Qingyu is not as nervous as he was at first.

After a meal, Su Qingyu was surprised to find that the tastes of himself and Su Shiyu were very similar, and the two of them were a little less formal.

Su Shiyu looked at her gently from beginning to end, “When I saw you, I thought of my sister. She is much bigger than you.”

“Your sister must be very beautiful.”

When it comes to her younger sister Su Shiyu’s eyes lit up, “Yes, she is very beautiful. She has been a treasure in the hands of the whole family since she was a child. She was so spoiled that she couldn’t live without heaven. As a result……”

Speaking of this, the light in Su Shiyu’s eyes suddenly went out, and Su Qingyu hurriedly asked, “Is something wrong?””

“That little guy who doesn’t make people worry is missing. I came here to find her this time. The news I found is that she has entered the country.”

“Are you still in City A?”

“I don’t know, I can only conclude that she did come to City A. Maybe in order to prevent us from discovering her whereabouts, she deliberately hid her whereabouts, so even if I came here, I haven’t found her whereabouts yet.”

“No wonder you fainted on the side of the road that day, was it because you were looking for Miss Su?”

Su Shiyu nodded, “Yes.”

He took out a photo from his mobile phone, “This is my sister. I will leave City A soon. Let me know if you find any trouble.”

The girl in the photo is wearing a black outfit, leaning in front of a black motorcycle, her whole body is cool and beautiful.

“Miss Su is very personalized. I originally thought that a big family like you must be a dignified and generous type, but I didn’t expect it to be so cool.”

“It made you laugh.”

When it comes to her younger sister Su Shiyu, she also said a few more words, “Xiao Wu was very well-behaved when she was a child. Later, she didn’t know how to rebel. She didn’t study well. She was either chasing stars or racing cars every day. The family had a headache. Last year, she had a boyfriend and yelled to marry her boyfriend.”

“Although she has long reached the age of marriage, she is the daughter of the Su family after all, but it is not that we dislike the poor and love the rich. The main reason is that in addition to the bad family situation, the man has a criminal record of domestic violence and other crimes that are not good for women. I am not self-motivated, Miss Su, let me ask you, if you would marry your sister to such a person?”

Su Qingyu shook his head, “Marriage is different from love. It is a woman’s second chance to change her life. If she chooses the wrong person, she will fall from heaven to hell. Obviously, Miss Su is just a hot head.”

She has too much say, and Li Tingchen’s good conditions still scarred her in the end.

“Yes, we just want Xiao Wu to marry someone who is reliable and really good to her. No matter how this man evaluates, he is not eligible.”

Su Qingyu had roughly guessed the ending, “Under your objection, did Miss Su elope with this man?””

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