Even After Death

Chapter: 561

Su Qingyu shook his head, “No, I’m not hungry, thank you Mr. Su.”

I don’t know what I thought of, Su Qingyu turned the topic back, “Mr. Su, can I ask a few more questions about junkies?”I heard that they have done a lot of experiments in various countries and hurt a lot of people, right?”

Su Shiyu took a sip of lemonade, “Yes, but no one should tell you the predecessor of the junkie.”

Su Qingyu was a little surprised, “The predecessor of the junkie?”

Su Shiyu stroked the glass with his fingers, and there was something deep in his eyes that Su Qingyu couldn’t understand, “Everything in this world is divided into two, there is no absolute good, and there is no absolute bad.”

Seeing that there was no one around, Su Shiyu told the truth: “In fact, the medical organization at the beginning was called Tianning, which means peace in the world and peace in all things. The original intention of establishing this organization was for scientific research and the benefit of mankind. It requires the participation of top scholars and experts from all over the world. It is to overcome the existence of human diseases that cannot be solved, such as cancer, AIDS, leukemia, rabies, and diseases caused by various viruses. Gradually, some parts of the organization have diverged.”

“What disagreement?”

“Some experiments are inhumane. Experiments usually require clinical trials. That can’t be done with one or two lives. They recruit volunteers at high prices and sign life-and-death agreements voluntarily, but not everyone is willing to do so. If the experimental body is not enough, it needs to be obtained through some special channels.”

Speaking of this, Su Shiyu glanced at Su Qingyu, “Do you know that there are many organizations that use illegal means to sell human beings as commodities for profit without knowing their conscience?”People who buy from this channel often have a strong desire to survive, so differences arise.”

“Some people feel that there is no conscience in experimenting on people who have the desire to survive, and it is no different from killing people. Others feel that as long as there is a good result, the sacrifice of these people is to save more lives, it is worth it. .”

“Therefore, after a fierce dispute between the two sides, some of the extreme scholars were taken away, and then the organization of junkies was re-established. Junkies and Tianning are like the sun and the moon, and their styles of behavior are very different. Even later, it got out of hand and regarded human life as grass mustard.”

After listening to Su Qingyu, he felt emotional, “It turns out that there is such a source.”

“But as far as I know, although junkies and dignitaries from many countries have interests involved, your country has always severely cracked down on prohibition. It is impossible for junkies to build their nests openly. At most, they are sneaky and will be uprooted once they are found. Uprooted, so this side is only a small part of the junkies branch, and the foundation is still shallow, not enough to be afraid.”

Su Shiyu raised her hand to touch Su Qingyu’s head, stopped her movement in time, and comforted her sisters at home to get used to it.

“Don’t be afraid, I will help you.”

I chatted with him for a while until Chen Feng came in and knocked on the door, “Madam, Mr. Li is waiting for you at home.”

Su Qingyu glanced at Su Shiyu apologetically, “I have to go back.”


The two exchanged contact information, and Su Shiyu said gently: “I will contact you as soon as there is news.”


Su Qingyu followed Chen Feng into the car. Chen Feng’s face was not very good-looking, “Madam, do you know who he is?””


“It’s obviously ill-intentioned for a big man like him to invite you to dinner alone.”

Su Qingyu was annoyed by too many things that happened during this time, and he didn’t have a good face for Chen Feng, “What?I’m not even free to have a meal with the opposite sex now?”

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