Even After Death

Chapter: 564

Su Qingyu looked at Zhu Qing’s leg, “Is your leg okay?””

Qi Xiao once shot her while she was on the boat.

Zhu Qing smiled slightly: “Thank you Miss Su for your concern. The gun did not hurt the point. I have been recuperating for a few months. Although the injured nerves still need to be repaired slowly, it does not affect bringing children at present.”

It seems that Qi Xiao still has affection, otherwise this leg will be useless.

“It’s okay.”

Su Qingyu put down Li Qingchen. Li Qingchen had grown up a lot, and he was heavy in his arms. The only thing that hadn’t changed was that he liked to drool so much.

Su Qingyu stretched out his hand and squeezed his little nose lightly, “Little guy, look at your saliva.”

Li Qingchen grinned and showed snow-white teeth, revealing a shallow pear vortex on his left cheek.

It was not obvious before, but Su Qingyu clearly saw it this time. She was a little strange. Obviously, neither Li Tingchen nor Bai Yuanyuan had pear seeds. How could this child have them?

Su Shiyu’s face suddenly flashed in his mind, and he also had a pear vortex on his left cheek when he laughed.

Su Qingyu shook his head, where did he think of it?

It is probably inherited from generation to generation.

“Mom, play ball.”Li Qingchen was holding the little yellow ball in his hand, which was the ball he had played with Su Qingyu before.

Zhu Qing put Li Baishuang on the sofa and started to change the child’s urine to keep it from getting wet. He explained with a smile: “When I was at home, the young master liked to play ball with me. Every time I was unhappy, I had to hold the little yellow ball and sulk. Even when I slept, I had to put the ball by my side. Today, he was holding it in his arms when I was packing for him.”

Su Qingyu felt a touch of guilt when she heard this, thinking of the night she used a small yellow ball to draw the child out and almost jumped into the sea with Li Qingchen in her arms.

However, the child didn’t know these things at all, he only knew that he was very happy to see Su Qingyu again.

Su Qingyu’s eyes and heart were full of Su Qingyu, and his two eyes were even more shiny.

Su Qingyu kissed him on the forehead, “What a little fool.”

Li Qingchen clasped her clothes with her little hand, and rubbed her head in her arms, looking very well-behaved.

Zhu Qing was stunned, “I have never seen the young master look so clingy.”

“Isn’t he like this at home?”Su Qingyu asked.

Zhu Qing shook his head, “Not at all. The young master is better developed than the young lady and has a clever brain. He will call his father in a few months. The lady coaxes the young master to call his mother every day. Until now, the young master has never called.”

Su Qingyu smacked his tongue when he heard this, “Isn’t he called mom when he sees someone?””

Zhu Qing smiled, “Miss Su is joking. The young master is smart. I was taking him a few days after he was born. He has called me Aunt Qing since he can talk. Half a year ago, he occasionally muttered to his mother and called when he was sleeping, but he refused to call his wife in person. Every time, he made his wife look very angry.”

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