Even After Death

Chapter: 591

Li Lanrui smiled softly: “Are you sure I am sad because of the death of the kitten?”

She raised her jaw, and the corners of her mouth involved a thin arc he had never seen before, “I fed the kitten sleeping pills. It’s really annoying to scream every night. It’s just a pity. It only took three days to feed it. It died.”

Except for those eyes, Li Lanrui is completely like a stranger!

So much so that he didn’t recognize her for several years when she was by Li Tingchen’s side.

“Why kill it?If you don’t like it, just let someone send it away.”

“Who will accompany me if I send it away?You were so busy at that time, and your mother had intermittent psychotic episodes all the time, and your father couldn’t see anyone all the time. My only pastime was it.”

The words she used were not playmates, but pastimes.

“Brother, in your eyes, have I always been a well-behaved and lovely sister?Actually, it’s not. Don’t you want to know what kind of person I am?Then I will tell you.”

Li Lanrui curled her lips coldly: “Although the Li family is the leading chaebol family, which family’s mother is a mental illness?Father never shows up?Grandpa takes care of stabilizing the family’s status, and Grandma is his good helper. This family will always be cold. Only you are really kind to me, but you have to learn so much every day, how can you take care of me?”

“Since I was a child, I have known that I am different from the children of the same age around me. They are like cats and dogs. They can live happily by giving something delicious and fun, but what have I experienced?I have seen my self-harming mother since I was three years old, and more than once.”

When Li Lanrui said this, tears seemed to flash in her eyes, and she raised her head slightly without letting the tears fall.

“Brother, do you know what it feels like for my bloody mother to hold me in her arms, stretch out her hand and pinch my neck, saying that I shouldn’t come to this world?”

“Everyone in this world says that my mother loves her daughter, how could she want me to die?”During the time you were away, she pinched me, pressed my head in the bathtub, burned my hair with a lighter, and poked my nails with a toothpick. She likes to torture me in places that others can’t see. Every time she abuses me, she only breathes. , She will go to sleep contentedly, and when she wakes up the next day, she will hold me tightly and tell me I’m sorry. I won’t do it again next time.”

“It’s like domestic violence and cheating. There are only zero and n times. As long as she gets sick, she will torture me, and I am used to torturing kittens to vent.”

“Why didn’t you tell me?”

Li Tingchen was full of self-blame. His mother’s illness was early in the morning, but he never knew that his sister had suffered inhumane torture at such a young age.

“Can I cut off my mother-daughter relationship with her by telling you?Unless, I leave this family.”

Li Tingchen stared at her in disbelief, “So, you left by yourself back then?”

Li Lanrui met his gaze straight, “Yes, I have had enough of such days, so I ran away and wanted to see the outside world, but at that time I was still naive. I thought everyone in this world except my mother was kind……”

Speaking of this, her voice stopped and did not continue.

Li Tingchen continued to ask: “Even if your mother hurt you, what hatred does Susu have with you?Why did you do that to her?”

“Susu Susu.”When the name was mentioned, Li Lanrui’s pupils suddenly became cold.

Her emotions fluctuated violently, and she even grabbed Li Tingchen by the collar, “Do you think I haven’t been to you?”But at that time, you still had my sister in your eyes?She is the only one in your heart. I see that you will laugh at her and spoil her, just like you once did to me. She laughed so happily……”

The tears she resisted rolled down at this moment, and Li Lanrui cried out in a daze: “Do you know what kind of life I have been living all these years?”What have I gone through in order to see you again?”

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