Even After Death

Chapter: 602

Speaking of this, Zhan Qinglian’s eyes were cruel, “I learned that Fan Chenxi is pregnant and I have lost my child. Why can she have a family and children who love her?”So I designed everything and stole the child after she gave birth.”

Bai Xin’s lips murmured: “That kid……It’s Yuanyuan!”

“Yes, don’t you love that bitch so much?”

Zhan Qinglian’s face was crazy, “But I look at you too highly. After all, that child is younger than our child, and you haven’t doubted it at all. Also, how can you care about my child?””

“So I did everything to be nice to Bai Yuanyuan, deliberately letting her know that her father loved someone else from a very young age. Hatred is like a seed. Once it is sown in my heart, what I am waiting for is to sprout branches.”

“I watered her day and night, cared for her to grow up, made her hate you and Fan Chenxi, and then died in suspended animation. As expected, not long after I died, you couldn’t wait to marry her back.”

Bai Xin’s face flushed, “I thought you were really dead, I……”

He couldn’t justify it, he owed Zhan Qinglian a debt.

“When you are with me, you can not go home for three years. Since you married her, she was afraid that something would happen to you, so you gave up all business just to give her a peaceful family. What am I?In my years, what was that child of mine?She is such a cute little girl, she will call her mother!”

“Qinglian, I didn’t mean to disappoint you.”

“Bai Xin, don’t you know yet? In fact, Fan Chenxi’s miscarriage was not an accident at all. It was her good daughter who deliberately smeared olive oil on the stairs and caused her to fall down and miscarry. The life she indirectly killed was regarded as a tribute to my dead child……”

Zhan Qinglian continued: “But how can this be?I secretly taught Bai Yuanyuan to put a lot of musk in Fan Chenxi’s skin care products and the milk she drank every day, causing her to be unable to get pregnant in her life.”

Hearing this, Bai Xin’s face changed drastically, “How can you be so vicious?””

“Vicious?Hehe, what if I tell you again that the leukemia in her body is also because I bribed the Bai family and moved her hands and feet in her diet?”

Bai Xin’s pupils suddenly changed, and he stretched out his hand and twisted Zhan Qinglian’s neck.

“What are you coming at me for!She is innocent, why are you so cruel to her.”

“All the misfortunes in my life come from you. If you weren’t for her, you wouldn’t have been cold to me for so many years. Bai Xin, you owe me this. Don’t worry, I have returned the child to her. Now Bai Yuanyuan has been taken to the hospital.”

Zhan Qinglian smiled beautifully: “As a reward for last night, I keep my word. Bai Yuanyuan’s bone marrow matches Fan Chenxi. It’s still too late to change the bone marrow, but she only has half her life left. Can she survive this catastrophe? That’s her creation. I’m more curious. Between your lover and your lover, which one would you choose?”

Zhan Qinglian blurted out the truth, and the cruelty of reality hit Bai Xin directly on the forehead, smashing Bai Xin’s limbs cold.

He didn’t have time to accept reality at all, and his chest was full of anger, like a big inflatable balloon, so angry that he was about to explode.

“Do you have to do this?”His pupils were blood-red, and his voice was as cold as ice.

“Of course it’s not enough. I have prepared a second major gift for you. Just enjoy it.”

Zhan Qinglian was like a ghost, “Do you know how many years I have been waiting for today?”Every night when you and Fan Chenxi are in love, I am like a worm eating my heart!You can feel this kind of pain slowly.”

After speaking, she raised her leg abruptly and kicked Bai Xin’s waist and abdomen fiercely, easily getting rid of his control.

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