Even After Death

Chapter: 61

Chen Ling looked into her sad eyes and replied for the first time: “Since you are already a person in the song, why bother to listen to the song in the song again.”

After a night of thinking, Li Tingchen changed the divorce agreement, which was obviously a signal that he was ready to let go.

The Su family has gone bankrupt, and the culprit Su Qiping has only half of his life left. Su Qingyu has also been heartbroken by his torture in the past two years, and he plans to let her go.

That’s why she was given such a generous divorce compensation, so that she wouldn’t have a bad life for the rest of her life.

Leaving now is the wisest choice. Su Qingyu is a smart person. She should know that she is in trouble and retreat. Does she think that Li Tingchen will look back today?

She wanted to enter the quagmire that she had finally escaped from again, but she just repeated the same mistakes and suffered the suffering she had suffered again.

Su Qingyu couldn’t answer the question and sighed: “If my child was still alive, he would be so old now.”

Chen Ling wanted to stop talking again, and finally turned into a sentence on his lips: “My wife is so young, she will definitely have it in the future.”

“Heh……I won’t have any more children.”

The expression on Su Qingyu’s face was lonely, and Chen Ling always felt that something was wrong. He still wanted to ask a few questions. Su Qingyu said again: “Let’s go.”

Li Tingchen was already waiting for her in the car, and the cold handsome face was shrouded in an indescribable chill, and he didn’t even turn his head to look at her.

When Su Qingyu got into the car, he put his hands around his chest, and said coldly with a rejection of people thousands of miles away: “One month, what can you get?”

“you.”Su Qingyu took the initiative to jump into Li Tingchen’s arms.

She had a grudge before yesterday, and even had the idea of wanting revenge. When she saw the evidence, Su Qingyu was also contradictory. She hated what Li Tingchen had done to the Su family, and even more hated his betrayal.

But Su Qiping’s actions are also conclusive evidence. She has a little more understanding of him. Now that she has been cut and messed up, she can only use her own life to end it all. Until then, she wants to leave without regrets.

Li Tingchen did not take the initiative to hold her, but said a cold sentence: “I will get engaged to Bai Yuanyuan in a year.”

Su Qingyu grasped the fingers of his coat for a while, and his smile stiffened on his face.

The back seat was as quiet as death, and there was obviously heating in the car. Why did Chen Feng feel so cold?

It took a long time before Su Qingyu slowly raised his head from his arms, “I only need this month.”

Li Tingchen looked at her pitiful appearance, and her heart was filled with indescribable feelings, “Don’t say it’s a month, even if it’s a year, nothing can change between us, do you understand?””

Su Qingyu bit her lip, “I understand, you are mine for this month, okay?”

Her voice was almost pleading, Li Tingchen only regarded her as the same as before in order to keep herself intact, but this time there was a rare seriousness in her eyes.

“Okay, just one month.”

Su Qingyu looked around his waist and said sullenly: “I want to eat your food tonight.”

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