Even After Death

Chapter: 624

She shouldn’t have a chance to have it again in this life.

She closed her eyes and calmly ordered: “I have antibodies to anesthetics, so don’t bother to give me anesthetics.”

The anesthesiologist on the side was stunned, “No anesthetic?Miss Su, do you want to carry it hard?”

“It’s okay, I’m mentally prepared.”

What she has experienced the most in her life is all kinds of pain.

Seeing that her answer made sense, the anesthesiologist replied with a smile: “……good.”

I really haven’t seen such a girl, and she is not afraid of facing surgery without anesthetics.

Su Qingyu listened to the sound of the equipment they were preparing next to her, but her heart was very calm. Can she still find her family in this life?

Where does her family live?Will she have a brother and sister?

What kind of woman is her mother?Will you think of her like yourself?

Thinking that her heart is full of strength, she can’t die yet, she has to live, gritted her teeth and live.

At least she could meet her biological parents before she died.

When a group of doctors surrounded her, her pressure doubled without anesthetics.

“Miss Su, we are about to start. Don’t worry, we are professional and will sew it up for you in the shortest possible time.”


She thought she would no longer be afraid of pain, but when the blade cut through her skin, her bruised body would still hurt.

“Miss Su, bear with me.”

“You guys do it!”Su Qingyu’s voice changed in pain.

With a ”boom”, a huge roar suddenly sounded on the island, and the knife in the doctor’s hand slammed.

Su Qingyu hurriedly said, “Don’t stop!continue!”

Li Tingchen brought people to the island, his eyes were blood-red: “If you find Susu, you must stop her from changing her kidney!”

The island is not big, he brought all the people who have been through a lot of battles, and soon broke into the operating room.

The door was kicked open abruptly, and Su Qingyu already had a wound on his waist, but fortunately, this wound was not deep.

Seeing the blood-red color in his eyes, Li Tingchen said angrily on the spot: “Looking for death!”

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