Even After Death

Chapter: 632

In the past, she was very curious about the reason why Li Tingchen had to marry Bai Yuanyuan, but now she doesn’t care about Li Tingchen’s affairs at all.

She just wanted everyone in the garden to keep their mouths shut and not to irritate Su Qiping.

Su Qiping was basking in the sun in the flower room at this moment, with a blanket on his lap, his whole person was indescribably calm and peaceful.

For the rest of her life, she cherished the peace and happiness she had now even more.

She stayed by Su Qiping’s side and quietly flipped through the books until Su Qiping woke up leisurely.


Su Qingyu closed the book again, “Dad, I’m awake.”

“Well, I heard Ting Chen say that the company has been integrated. If you feel bored, you can take care of the company. What do you do with me all day?My body can’t recover in a while.”

Su Qingyu nodded his hand with his lips, “Dad, don’t forget, I’m still resting.””

“Do you feel your hands?”

“Not yet.”

“Ting Chen, really, why don’t you take good care of you? You will be a doctor in the future. How important are your hands? What if you don’t get better?”

Su Qingyu smiled softly, “If it doesn’t get better, my father will raise me for the rest of my life.”

Su Qiping stretched out his hand and scraped the tip of her nose, Su Qingyu still behaved in front of him as in the past.

“What a stupid child, even if you want to raise it, it’s not your father’s turn to raise it. You accidentally dropped the child before, but now your father is fine. While you are young, you can quickly give Ting Chen another child.”

Su Qiping didn’t know the grievances between the two, his kindness was like a knife stabbed in Su Qingyu’s heart.

Su Qingyu hadn’t let him look at his mobile phone since he was in a car accident, so he didn’t know about Li Tingchen and Bai Yuanyuan at all.

“What’s the matter, Qingyu?Did Ting Chen make you angry?Tell your father, Dad will definitely make the decision for you.”

Su Qingyu wanted to blurt out the truth several times, but in the end she endured it.

“Dad, I’m fine, don’t think too much.”

“I watched you grow up since I was a child. Don’t I know how many catties you have?Since I woke up, I found that something was wrong with you. You used to leave him in eight of your ten sentences, but now you never take the initiative to mention Tingchen. Even when he was there, you didn’t want to look at him more. , Child, don’t hide your grievances in your heart. You have a father.”

By the way, you have a father, Su Qingyu almost burst into tears.

She had too much to say in her heart to ask Su Qiping, whether he knew his life or not.

But facing his worried eyes, Su Qingyu swallowed everything again.

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