Even After Death

Chapter: 635

Su Qingyu was bored in the quilt for a long time, so he had to raise his head to take a breath.

It was Li Tingchen’s depressed back that caught her eye, and she quickly threw away the thoughts in her mind.

Don’t feel sorry for men, they will become unfortunate.

Li Tingchen stared blankly at the street lamp outside the window. The weather gradually warmed up, and some moths also appeared, fluttering their wings and shaking back and forth under the light.

“Susu, I don’t love her, I’ve never loved her.”He murmured in a low voice, as if knowing that Su Qingyu would not believe it.

Su Qingyu rolled her eyes again, and she was a little sickened when she heard these words.

“I am not love to Bai Yuanyuan, only responsibility, in fact, I……”

Why does Su Qingyu feel that the nausea in his stomach is stronger?She opened the quilt and got up, and ran towards the bathroom with all her mind.

She was lying on the side of the toilet and retching, but she couldn’t vomit out of her stomach.

Li Tingchen hurriedly followed, “Susu, what’s wrong with you?””

She took a glass of water and rinsed her mouth, then gave him a fierce look, “Don’t talk, I feel sick when I see you.””

Li Tingchen: “……”

“I’m not interested in the relationship between you and Bai Yuanyuan. I wish you a hundred years of good cooperation. Hold two in three years. Get out of here. Don’t get in the way.”

Li Tingchen couldn’t stop what he wanted to say, so he sighed, then turned and left.

“Then you have a good rest, I won’t bother you anymore.”

When he closed the door gently, Su Qingyu sat dumbfounded on the bed, not knowing what he was thinking.

After thinking for a while, she chased up again.

Li Tingchen saw her chasing out with joy in her eyes, “Susu, you……”

“You’d better keep your mouth shut in front of my dad about this. Before he recovers, I don’t want anything to stimulate him.”

“I see.”A touch of disappointment flashed in Li Tingchen’s eyes.

Su Qingyu didn’t take retching to heart, until the next few days, she couldn’t help but feel nauseous when she saw the oil on the vegetables.

And from retching to substantial vomiting, she was no longer calm.

She hasn’t taken any more medicines since she came back from the island, and her stomach hasn’t hurt for a long time.

She originally thought it was an old problem, but in the past few days, her vomiting reaction has become stronger and stronger. It is not like a stomach problem, but it is somewhat like her state in the early stages of pregnancy.

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