Even After Death

Chapter: 639

Su Qingyu’s breathing stagnated when he saw the two bars, and his brain also crashed.

Yes, she really has children!

When all the complex emotions poured into my heart, the first thing I sensed turned out to be joy.

When she raised her head to see herself in the mirror, her face was already full of tears.

It took her a year and a half to get out of the pain of losing that child, but now she is pregnant again.

Su Qingyu wept with joy.

But soon she realized that getting pregnant at this time might not be a good thing, even though she had lived for half a year and hadn’t died yet.

As long as there are cancer cells in her body, it is a hidden time bomb. Once it explodes, she will die in addition to her little life.

But when she thought of a small life being born again in her belly, as a mother, there was a touch of maternal brilliance on her face.

She couldn’t help but raise her left hand and put it on her lower abdomen. Although the child had not yet formed at this time, it was like a small seed, and she couldn’t help but raise the corner of her mouth lightly.

Tears fell on the vanity one by one, and he murmured softly: “Baby, is it you, are you looking for your mother again?””

She has been addicted to nightmares for more than a year, and every time she dreams, a child is calling her mother.

Now that he is finally back, Su Qingyu is indescribably happy.

She has another layer of motivation to live.

She vowed that even if she used her life this time, she would protect the child.

In just ten minutes, Su Qingyu’s mood experienced ups and downs.

She didn’t walk out slowly until she sorted out her mood, with a touch of firmness on her face.

A woman is weak, but a mother is strong. From now on, she has someone to protect.

As soon as he left but met Li Tingchen’s inquiring gaze, Su Qingyu was startled by his conditioned reflex, and his gaze fell on him displeasure, “What are you doing here?””

In the past, he accompanied Su Qiping in his rehabilitation.

“Susu, you look bad. I heard that you haven’t eaten much in the past two days. I asked a doctor to come and show you.”

Su Qingyu panicked, she didn’t want to entangle Li Tingchen endlessly.

Suddenly he had a cold face, “It’s strange that I can eat it when I see your face every day.””

Li Tingchen’s tone was a little aggrieved, “You said before that you want to eat with me.”

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