Even After Death

Chapter: 642

Li Tingchen’s face was happy, “Then I will place an order right away.”

Unexpectedly, Su Qingyu said again: “Bai Yuanyuan must look good in a toast. Oh, sorry, I forgot that she has a broken leg and she shouldn’t be able to stand up. I can only toast in a wheelchair.”

Li Tingchen: “……”

Su Qingyu suddenly opened up a new world, and found ways to disgust Li Tingchen.

He restricted her freedom, so he didn’t want to feel better.

“Compared to the skirt, why don’t I see what wheelchair is suitable for her?”But you have to prepare with both hands. If she doesn’t recover well and can’t sit up by then, you have to prepare a stretcher.”

Li Tingchen: “……”

“When the time comes, remember to find a few more media, and praise you for how affectionate you are. You will never give up on your seriously ill fiancée, and you will get married on a stretcher.”

“Susu, are you really happy to say that?”

Su Qingyu raised her lips: “How can you be unhappy?You used to build pain on me, but now I find that I am much happier to build pain on others.”

Facing Su Qingyu’s ridicule, Li Tingchen was not at all displeased, but more distressed.

What a sunny girl Su Qingyu used to be, but now she has become like this because of him.

“Just be happy.”

Su Qingyu thought he had said so much, how could he speak for Bai Yuanyuan, but he didn’t expect Li Tingchen to still smile, but his temper was much better than before.

“Of course I’m happy, but are you born to be a wife?The ex-wife broke her hand and the newlywed wife broke her foot. The two of them couldn’t make up four good hands and feet.”

Li Tingchen: “……”

Seeing his face turned into pig liver, Su Qingyu’s tone in his chest became much smoother.

“Okay, I’m going to rest, get out of here.”

“I won’t bother you anymore.”

Li Tingchen left slowly, and before leaving, he asked someone to prepare another supper and bring it in.

Originally, Su Qingyu didn’t have any appetite, thinking that there was still a small life in her stomach now, and with the knowledge of the previous car, she cherished this child even more.

She resisted the nausea and ate it, but she underestimated the child too much.

The morning sickness reaction this time was stronger than the last time, and she immediately vomited again just after eating it in her mouth.

Gu Lian patted her back distressed behind her, “Miss Su, you can’t do this. You have to see a doctor for what you eat and vomit.”

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