Even After Death

Chapter: 647

“I know, I have to live well for my children.”

Qin Ou felt sour again, and quickly stretched out his hand to hug Su Qingyu, his voice choked and said, “You must be good, don’t be sad, laugh every day, and give birth to this child well. I still want to be his godmother.”

“It will definitely.”

“Call me if you have something, I will always be your backer.”

“Well, I see.”

The two of them were hugging and crying, and there was a knock on the door, and a figure in a suit and shoes stood at the door, holding a bouquet made of pink grandpa in his hand.

“Is it a coincidence that I came here?”

Qin Ou roared back angrily, “Do you know if it’s unfortunate to still talk?”No one treats you as if you don’t speak……”

Before the words dumb had been said, Qin Ou suddenly realized something was wrong and looked at the handsome man standing by the door.

“Yo, isn’t this my boss who is loved by everyone and sees flowers blooming?””

She quickly wiped the tears from her face with her sleeves, and then walked quickly towards the man. When she passed the bench, she naturally squatted down and wiped her sleeves, playing the dog’s leg vividly.

“Boss, look at you when you come, and what gifts you bring, I’m so embarrassed!””

She stretched out her hand to pick up the money with an “embarrassed” look, and muttered in her mouth: “This flower boss is holding the money. I’m not afraid of being tired. Let me do all the dirty work and tired work.””

Qin Ou smiled and put the bouquet on the cabinet inside, and murmured in a low voice: “The boss’s taste is good, and this real money can be precious, but it’s a bit laborious to dismantle it.”

Su Qingyu looked dumbfounded as if he had played the image of a financial fan to the fullest.

Is this the Zhou Chopi that Qin Ou talks to her every day?Huang Shiren?

Perceiving Su Qingyu’s gaze, the man looked at her.

Su Qingyu hurriedly wiped away her tears and said politely: “Hello, I am Qin Ou’s friend Su Qingyu. Usually Ou mentions you in front of me.”

“Oh?What good things did she say about me?”

Qin Ou’s back tightened, Su Qingyu smiled and said, “It is said that you are young and promising, and you are a good leader. You are a model for my generation and her respected boss.”

If you say this from Qin Ou’s mouth, you will feel that she is talking nonsense, and her mouth is full of nonsense.

But if it came out of Su Qingyu’s mouth, the real money would not be so real.

At the other end of the family is the demeanor of a lady with a temperament, and at that station, she seems to be a lady, which is a world of difference from Qin Ou, who is running a train with his mouth full.

Qin Ou silently praised his friends. Sister, it has to be you. As soon as they met, they gave themselves a good impression in front of Huang Shiren.

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