Even After Death

Chapter: 650

“Well, you have to take good care of yourself too. I will come to see you when I am on vacation, and call me if you have something to do. Don’t be afraid to trouble me, I’m afraid you won’t be troublesome enough.”


The two looked at each other and smiled. Su Qingyu threw the packaging box into the trash can, put the folic acid in the vitamin bottle and left.

Thinking of her children, she felt a lot better.

Even looking at the blue sky and white clouds outside is much pleasing to the eye.

She also bought some of her favorite pastries and milk tea on the street before going back.

After having children, she just wants to share with her children what she thinks is beautiful.

Baby, this is mom’s favorite milk tea. Do you think it’s delicious?

There is also this mousse cake. My mother has eaten it for ten years. When you come out, my mother will buy it for you.

Are you a boy or a girl, don’t you like sweet food?

She was a little retching, but she relieved a lot after eating sweets.

It seems that this child has a similar taste to her, and there is no nausea.

The more I think about it, a three-dimensional little figure will appear in my mind, with a sweet smile.

Su Qingyu began to feel that life had regained meaning.

A cold voice came: “What are you laughing at, so happy?”

Su Qingyu shuddered. She was immersed in her fantasy and did not notice Li Tingchen approaching.

The smile on his face was too late to converge, and he even looked at him with some guilty conscience.

Although she didn’t know why she was guilty, Li Tingchen owed her.

“It’s none of your business, I have to take care of you when I laugh?”She still responded as always.

I don’t know if it was an illusion, she always felt that Li Tingchen looked at her a little more inquiring.

“Where did you go today?”

Su Qingyu was even more angry, “Didn’t you send bodyguards, just ask them, you have to ask me, why should I tell you?”Do I not even have the right to go out?You shouldn’t break my hand, you should break my legs, so that I won’t be able to get out of the door for the rest of my life!”

If she had spoken like this before, Li Tingchen would definitely coax her, and a faint male voice came: “I really want to do this.”

Su Qingyu was taken aback and looked up at Li Tingchen, only to see a pair of paranoid and indifferent eyes.

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