Even After Death

Chapter: 66

Now that he has made a choice, he wants to go to the marriage hall with Bai Yuanyuan and use his little life to untie the knot. If Su Qiping wakes up one day, Li Tingchen will no longer embarrass him.

This decision is good for both parties.

When Lin Yan looked again, her eyes were less fragile than before, and more rare firmness.

He sighed, “Since your mind has been decided, I have nothing to say, Qingyu, you should know the consequences of taking out the infusion port, will you regret it?””

He always seemed to like to ask himself this question, Su Qingyu smiled and said, “I don’t regret it.”

She took off half of her clothes, revealing an arm and white fragrant shoulders, her previous wounds had healed and new pink flesh had grown.

She didn’t need to be anesthetized and saved a lot of steps. It was just a minor operation that Lin Yan could complete.

Although she was lucky that the infusion port did not fall off, her arm was hit by Li Qingchen, the subcutaneous tissue was damaged, and there were large bruises.

Lin Yan patiently treated her wound. When the sharp scalpel cut her newly healed wound again, the pain spread from her limbs to her heart, and the pain was suffocating. That’s probably how it felt.

She resisted letting herself scream out, and Lin Yan felt distressed when she saw her brave appearance.

The movement of his hands did not stop, and he said softly in his mouth: “If it hurts, call it out.”

Just like the doctor last time, Su Qingyu clenched his teeth, pulling the cold desktop with one hand, trying his best to endure the pain.

Lin Yan accelerated her movements. When the wound was stitched, her hands were already so painful that she was unconscious, her body was soaked in cold sweat, and she limped weakly on the chair.

Lin Yan brought her a glass of warm water, sat opposite her and said patiently: “Qingyu, I have been following up with his attending doctor about your father’s condition. As long as you find Leo, the world’s top brain surgeon, for craniotomy, he has an 80% chance of waking up.”

“I checked the information and Leo disappeared in a car accident five years ago. I don’t know if he is alive or dead.”

Su Qingyu drank water and took a break for a while to slow down. Although the wound on her arm was as painful as the fire, and even the gentle rubbing of the cloth would make her breathe in pain, she still stubbornly stood up and prepared to leave.

“Senior, thank you. You don’t have to worry about my affairs in the future. Whether I divorce him or not, he won’t let me contact any men. I don’t want to cause you trouble.”

Lin Yunruya’s face was a little more excited at the moment. He put his elbows on his lap, crossed his fingers and said in a deep voice: “Qingyu, I just want to know what you think, why do you have to stand still?If you are trapped in a prison, you should go out and see the world.”

Su Qingyu even staggered when she got up. She smiled weakly: “I have liked him since the first time I saw him. I have loved him for many years. I……Can’t let go.”

Lin Yan saw her full of tears. He wanted to wipe her dry, but he didn’t wipe her tears. He could only maintain his movements and look at her quietly.

Tears slid across his thin chin, Su Qingyu smiled bitterly: “I know it’s embarrassing to be like this, but the thought that I will live to face him and marry another woman, I will definitely live more painful than I am now. If life is meaningless, I would rather choose to die.”

“I recently saw a passage, if you are destined to have no results with this person, and you love this person very much, do you want the process or the result, or turn around and leave?”

Su Qingyu smiled at himself: “If I hadn’t met him, I would definitely choose to turn around and leave, but some people are doomed, and I can’t escape.I reached a final agreement with him. He will accompany me for a month. We will divorce in a month. At that time, I will go to see the world you said.”

Lin Yan watched her right hand clutching the shoulder of her left arm and staggered out of every step. She didn’t look back, “Senior, I am very grateful for everything you have done for me, but a person like me is not worthy of your kindness.””

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