Even After Death

Chapter: 68

He no longer paid as much attention to himself as in the past. They tried their best to pretend to be the life of the past, but in fact, they were already riddled with holes.

Many things end quietly, just like his love, there is no answer, silence and alienation are the answers.

Although her stomach can no longer touch spicy and greasy dishes, she has been thinking about the dishes at this table for two years, so she resisted the discomfort and ate them.

When a person’s life begins to count down, she will cherish every meal she has eaten, and one meal will be one less meal.

After all, she is someone who has known each other for a long time. Is she really happy or pretending to be Li Tingchen? You can see through it at a glance. Obviously, she is laughing with a strong face. Has she regressed from cooking for two years?

Li Tingchen, who had been quiet at the table, finally said, “The food is not good for your appetite?”

“No, it’s pretty good. As always, the sword is not old. I’m just wondering how long has it been since we had dinner together?How long can we eat together?”

If Li Tingchen had answered forever in the past, now he just looked at the snowflakes outside the window and remained silent.

Su Qingyu blamed himself, why should he ask such a stupid question.

One month, that was his last bottom line.

Before he could answer, a painful pain in her stomach hit. She hadn’t eaten spicy food for a long time. Now that it was fermented, she was so painful that tears were about to come out.

“I’m ready to eat, you can use it slowly.”Su Qingyu got up in a hurry and hurriedly went upstairs.

She vomited faintly again, and looking at the large swaths of blood stains, she knew that she would not live long, and she had to hurry up.

Su Qingyu avoided her arm and simply cleaned it again. Fortunately, although her hair fell off a lot, as long as she stopped chemotherapy, it would not fall out.

Although she looked at herself in the mirror a little pale and haggard, her thin cheeks made her eyes bigger, which made her amazingly beautiful. Fortunately, she could leave the world beautifully.

Li Tingchen stayed in the study, Su Qingyu knocked on the door and entered, the man wearing glasses with gold silk borders.

Also wearing glasses, Lin Yan is elegant, but he is a hidden edge, and the glasses can’t stop the danger.

He raised his head and looked at her coldly, Su Qingyu was straightforward: “I want to go to Iceland to see the aurora, you still owe me a honeymoon trip.”

Back then, she and Li Tingchen only received a certificate and did not have a wedding. Even if they were photographed, they would be ordered to delete them, so the world did not know that he was married.

Except for that certificate, there is no wedding, wedding dress, or travel in a woman’s dream.

Therefore, after the marriage, Li Tingchen spoiled her very much, as if to make up for what she lacked.

Li Tingchen put down the pen in his hand, pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose, and said in a low and deep voice: “You should know that I have a lot of things at the end of the year, and Aurora is not every day.”

The implication is that he can’t afford it.

A man who used to spend more than half a year cultivating a rose garden by himself, but now he doesn’t want to spend any more time on her, even for a few days.

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