Even After Death

Chapter: 716

Chen Feng scratched the back of his head, “My wife will know when she goes in.”

As he said, a few people appeared, pulling the confused Su Qingyu into the room and messing around.

Su Qingyu saw herself wearing a long skirt and wedding dress, and immediately understood what was going on.

The makeup artists and stylists on the side were still complimenting her on how beautiful she was. Su Qingyu didn’t want to hear a word, and said with a cold face: “Where is Li Tingchen?”

Everyone was taken aback by the praise, as if they didn’t expect Su Qingyu to be so impatient at such a beautiful time.


“Don’t say it, I’ll find it myself.”

Su Qingyu got up and left quickly. She was holding her skirt in one hand and walking fast as if stepping on a hot wheel under her feet.

“Miss Su, slow down!”

When the door opened, she saw Li Tingchen in the cluster of flowers at a glance.

He was wearing a groom’s formal dress, his hair was meticulously taken care of, he was holding a bouquet of flowers in his hand, and his handsome face was visibly nervous.

The moment he saw Su Qingyu, the expression on his face gradually turned into a smile.

Su Qingyu walked too fast, holding the skirt in one hand again, and fell down within a few steps.

“Ah!Be careful!”

“Miss Su!”

Everyone’s expressions changed on the spot, looking at Su Qingyu nervously.

Su Qingyu used to be flexible, and he was a well-known athlete in school.

But now she is like a bird with broken wings, her right hand is useless, and her left hand is holding her skirt.

Obviously, as long as she supported the ground with her right hand, she could stop the trend of falling, and now she could only watch herself fall to the ground.


Su Qingyu was already in a cold sweat on her back, her eyes closed, and she was done.

The unexpected pain did not come, and Li Tingchen caught her at the last moment.

“Are you okay?”Came in a concerned voice.

Su Qingyu’s face flushed, she was originally angry to trouble him, who knew that there was such a big ugliness when she came, and she even forgot what she wanted to say.

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