Even After Death

Chapter: 726

Bai Yuanyuan was already crippled, and it was a matter of minutes to kill her, and she was still alive to prove that she was of no value.

And Li Lanrui had been lurking by her side for many years, and she didn’t mean to hurt herself at all.

Everything has something to do with the Su family, even if there is a problem, it must be aimed at Su Qi and Su Qingyu.

These days, Su Qingyu and Su Qiping were hidden well enough by themselves and did not show up, and those people could not find her.

Now it seems that I have to find a safe hiding place for her as soon as possible, so that she and the child cannot be in any danger.

Li Tingchen wrapped his palms casually with gauze, “Go, go in and take a look at her room.””

He took out the bullet that went into the cabinet, “Let someone take it back for analysis and testing.””


The room still retains the appearance of Li Lanrui before she left, except for the bed, everything else is arranged in an orderly manner.

Li Tingchen sat by the bed. These days, he tried to talk to Li Lanrui, and even took her back to when she was a child, and said that she would visit her mother when she was in good condition.

But no matter what she said, Li Lanrui just couldn’t get in the oil and salt. She used him as air and rarely spoke.

Li Tingchen felt that freezing three feet was not a day’s cold. Under the premise that Li Lanrui had suffered great physical and mental damage, he wanted to take his time. One day he would impress Li Lanrui and let her completely open her heart.

Thinking of the stubborn back before parting, and Li Lanrui’s cold and hoarse voice: “Brother, I can’t go back, let’s go, I don’t want to hurt you, just treat me as my sister.””

For safety reasons, Su Qingyu took a helicopter back to the city.

Su Qiping greeted her as soon as she got home, eager to know if she had reconciled with Li Tingchen.

“How was the conversation with Ting Chen today?”

Faced with Su Qiping’s concern, Su Qingyu had to answer without conscience: “It’s very good, Dad, I said you don’t have to worry too much, we stayed all day.”

“That’s good, I’m afraid you and Ting Chen will be awkward. This child is getting older every day, and you are also inspired. If the family is harmonious, the child will grow up healthy.”

Su Qiping smiled and took Su Qingyu to see his latest work, which is a beautiful handmade wooden bed.

“Look, I’ve been working on this little bed for many days, and I’m finally done.”

The four corners of the crib are also carved with cute little animals, which are also polished and polished, so even if you bite, you won’t hurt your mouth.

There is also a bed bell hanging on it, which is very exquisite, even not much better than the one in the maternal and child store.

“Dad, your hands are so clever.”

Su Qiping said happily: “Although Grandpa has no status now and can’t give the children material things, I will definitely be satisfied mentally in the future. You two dolls, so I made the crib specially. Big.”

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