Even After Death

Chapter: 75

One of the bottles of stomach medicine that had not been closed was poured on the table, and a few grains were scattered on the ground. The white bottle cap wandered around on the ground before slowly stopping.

Qin Ou murmured: “You see, I’m so stupid. I’ve been behind my ears at a young age. Hahaha, I just heard you say that you have stomach cancer. My ears must be irritated by scumbags……”

Su Qingyu pressed the back of her hand with her hand and said softly: “Gull, you face reality.”

Qin Ou stopped moving and raised his blurred eyes, “Are you kidding me?””

However, Su Qingyu’s eyes were extremely serious, “You know I never joke. The reason I had to cut my hair short last time was to have chemotherapy.”

The tears that had been spinning in Qin Ou’s eyes slipped down, Qin Ou grasped Su Qingyu’s hand tightly, still unable to believe it, “It’s a misdiagnosis, it must be a misdiagnosis!”You are so young and your body is as strong as a cow, how could you get this disease!”

Su Qingyu helped her sit down and told her what happened.

Qin Ou had already burst into tears, and she always felt that cancer was far away from them. When it happened to her, it was like a dream.

“No, it’s okay. The medical level is very developed now. As long as you cooperate with the doctor’s treatment, you will be fine.”

Qin Ou wiped away a handful of tears indiscriminately with the back of his hand, “I’m sorry, I didn’t even know that these things happened to you. I will accompany you to do it in the future. I am also a rich woman now. It doesn’t matter if you don’t go to work for a year, I will accompany you to cure the disease.”

Su Qingyu just shook his head slightly, and looked out the window blankly, “Ou, you can accompany me to see an aurora……”

“Okay, when you get better, don’t say it’s Aurora, I’ll pick all the stars in the sky if you want.”

“Someone used to say that they could pick stars for me.”

Qin Ou couldn’t wait to pry open her brain, “You damn love brain, he doesn’t want you anymore, what are you still thinking about him for?”If I were you, I would recuperate my body, and then find ten or eight men to be angry with him.”

“Gull, he can’t be blamed for this, he is sick.”

“He also has stomach cancer?I hope it’s the late stage. If you persist with him for a while, his property will be yours!”

Su Qingyu was so amused by her that she couldn’t laugh or cry, “Come here, I’ll tell you slowly.”

This night, the two of them slept on the same bed for a long time, and Su Qingyu told everything.

Her voice is very nice, like a breeze in a summer evening, blowing away the dryness of the person.

Qin Ou was silent for a moment after listening, “So he blamed you for the death of his sister?”In order to retaliate against you, you cheated?Isn’t this more scumbag?”

Su Qingyu said: “I can understand his love and debt to his sister. If something happens to me, I can’t stand idly by. He is more painful than we thought.”

“Yuyu, pain is not the reason for his scum, you are just a pure love brain, since he intends to let you go, you can each be well, take the compensation he gave you and fly away.”

“Ou, have you put down the Zhou Zi Period?”

Qin Ou was silent.

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