Even After Death

Chapter: 750

Tomorrow, you can see the growth of the child in her abdomen through the four dimensions. How can you not be excited?

She walked to Su Qiping’s room as usual. Su Qiping had been asleep for three months without any sign of waking up.

It seemed that this was his kind of compromise with Su Qingyu. The body remained in this world with her, but the soul had long known where to fly.

As long as he was still breathing, Su Qingyu felt that the bond between the two was still there, and she was not a homeless child.

After wiping Su Qiping’s body as usual, she took the book and read for a while, and then began to talk to Su Qiping.

“Dad, you will know the gender of the child tomorrow. If you hear it, wake up quickly, okay?I want you to witness every happy moment with me.”

“The child will be born in a few months. I have stored all the toys you made and will play with the children when the time comes.The children will love it very much.”

She said a lot, looked at the instruments on the side, all the values still leveled off, and there was no sign of awakening.

Su Qingyu sighed and looked at Su Qiping, who was getting thinner and thinner. Her voice was a little guilty: “Dad, do you think I’m selfish and keep you all the time?”I’m sorry, there are too few things I can hold. I want to take advantage of these few family ties. Dad, wake up and look at me and see if the child is okay.”

There was still no response as before, Su Qingyu sighed helplessly, “Dad, you have a good rest, and I will come to see you tomorrow.””

She was in a heavy mood when she left the room. This time she was in a coma. It was different from the last time. As long as the operation was performed last time, there was a good chance that she would wake up.

Through this period of monitoring, the doctor has almost given Su Qiping the death penalty.

There is a 99% chance that he will not wake up, and one% is an unlikely miracle.

The doctor’s advice was to let Su Qiping leave the world with dignity and not to stay and suffer.

These several rescues have made his body very poor, and he only relies on medicines and instruments to keep his breath.

Su Qingyu looked forward to the day when a miracle would come every day, and Su Qiping woke up as soon as she opened her eyes.

She started a routine pregnancy test early the next morning, and when she lay on the bed, her nervousness was visible to the naked eye.

Dr. Mu comforted: “Madam, relax, don’t be nervous, you will be able to see the child soon.”

There is a clear display screen directly in front of her. When the probe slides on her stomach, the situation in her stomach can be shown on the screen.

There are only two colors, black and yellow, and the yellow part is the child.

The nearly five-month-old child has grown a clear outline, and the probe keeps tracking. The two children are very naughty and keep covering their faces with their hands.

Dr. Mu smiled and said, “Look, the child is very lively. This is the foot and this is the hand. He covers his face. Let’s take a look at the other one.”

The probe moved a little to the side again, and a smiling face suddenly appeared in Su Qingyu’s vision.

The child was very well-behaved and did not cover his face, but his face was clearly exposed.

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