Even After Death

Chapter: 774

Su Qingyu nodded, “You did a good job. It’s best not to collect men’s things indiscriminately if you haven’t determined the relationship.””

“I think so too.”

Gu Lian sat on the swing, her legs dangling in the air, swinging around like a child.

“But I don’t think I have seen it for a few years, and the senior is like a different person.”

“Hmm?The disillusionment in your heart is shattered?”

“That’s not true. I just feel that seniors have become more mature, and I am still as simple as before. There is some generation gap between us.”

Su Qingyu chuckled lightly: “What kind of generation gap is three years older than you?There is nothing wrong with a man’s maturity, so that he will know how to take care of others better, and there is nothing wrong with his character.”

“The senior is so upright, he can’t bend steel. He is the best person I have ever seen in the world.”

“Then let’s talk again.”Su Qingyu encouraged, “Slowly understand.””

Anyway, they have a technical boss who has set it up, whether it’s chatting online or sending a location, the ip addresses are all changing at any time, and they are all fake ips, and they will not be found.

Gu Lian blushed and smiled, “Thank you Qingyu.”

“I wish you an early victory over the male god.”

Su Qingyu got up and returned to Su Qiping’s room as he said, and put the jade pendant taken yesterday in his hand.

“Dad, you see, I took the jade pendant back, and I will give it to one of the two children in the future, and pass it on to you. Don’t worry.”

After speaking these two words of peace of mind, Su Qiping’s heart rate dropped rapidly.

“Doctor!”Su Qingyu shouted loudly.

Soon the entire medical team came over, “Madam, we will carry out emergency treatment right away, you go out first.”

Gu Lian hurriedly took Su Qingyu, who was dumbfounded, outside the door. Looking at Su Qingyu, who looked very bad, Gu Lian felt anxious, “Madam, don’t worry, sir, it must be okay. Pay attention to the child in your stomach.”

Su Qingyu was conflicted, with his own children on one side and Su Qiping on the other.

Only last night did the doctor specifically advise her not to fluctuate too much, but she couldn’t rest assured.

Staring anxiously at the room, the doctor came out after a while wiping sweat.

Su Qingyu asked in fear: “How’s it going?”

“Madam, don’t worry, I have rescued my husband.”

The nurse returned the jade pendant to Su Qingyu’s hands, “Madam, originally, Mr. Su only had one idea to last until now. You have to let him keep this idea. He is like a full bowstring. As soon as this breath is relaxed, the string will naturally break.”

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