Even After Death

Chapter: 781

It is impossible to climb up from the cliff during the day, let alone such a bad situation tonight.

After confirming that there were no suspicious people or vehicles on the way up the mountain, Yan Qing left the monitoring room.

Obviously it was determined that it was okay, Yan Qing’s heart was always up and down, and he always felt that he was ignoring something.

What did you ignore?

A figure suddenly flashed across his mind, which was the expression of his fate yesterday.

The two only shook hands when they met, and then Gu Lian led him into the ward. Yan Qing felt that he was boring and left.

Now he remembered that the man’s strength was strong, and there were thick calluses at the tiger’s mouth.

Gu Lian said that her seniors are doing academic research abroad. How could a person who uses computers and pens all year round be full of calluses?


Yan Qing looked at his tiger’s mouth. That person was the same as his identity, holding a gun all the time, so he would leave a trace in this position!

Thinking back carefully, the car accident of Gu Lian’s younger brother was also very strange, and the injury was not serious.

If the car accident was just a bait to lure Gu Lian away, what about Su Qingyu, his real target?

Gu Lian wandered around the bracelet all day, in case there was a tracker in it, then Su Qingyu’s location would be exposed!

Yan Qing shook his head again and again, how could it be such a coincidence?

Who set up this kind of situation?I must have thought too much.

Thinking about it, he was still uneasy in his heart, and he was about to call for reinforcements to come over for the night, so he must make sure it was foolproof.

He had just dialed the phone when he heard the woman screaming.


It was Gu Lian’s voice.

Yan Qing turned on the walkie-talkie to reinforce, and ran towards the bedroom.

When he broke in, he only saw Gu Lian’s mobile phone with the screen still on the bed, and the window was wide open, and the cold wind swept in, rolling the white gauze curtain out of the window.

Yan Qing picked up the phone, and the page was staying on the chat page of Gu Lian and Zhan Yi.

Zhan Yi’s head was pitch black, and he could only see it when he zoomed in. There was a figure in the darkness with the corners of his mouth raised, like a ghost.

His gaze fell on the last message of the two of them.

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