Even After Death

Chapter: 787

Blood and tears blurred Su Qingyu’s eyes.

How could she leave Gu Lian here alone?

The child in her stomach was also awakened by the sudden change, and kept turning the river in her stomach.

Only then did Su Qingyu slowly come to her senses. Yes, she still has children.

Gu Lian used her life to protect her and her children. She couldn’t let Gu Lian die in vain.

So she stopped struggling, and still ran fast with her bodyguards holding her.

Once the war begins, there is no room for retreat.

Various blasting sounds and gunshots sounded in his ears.

The bodyguard holding her did not look back, she was followed by seven or eight people.

Although someone propped up an umbrella for her, because the rain was too heavy and she was running too fast, the rain silk flying in obliquely still swept Su Qingyu’s whole body.

She was wearing only a thin nightdress, drenched by the wind and rain, her body trembling in the cold wind.

I don’t know if it’s cold or overly excited.

“Don’t be afraid, madam, it will be here soon.”

Su Qingyu was picked up in a modified bulletproof off-road vehicle, and Dr. Mu and the driver were ready to take her to transfer.

“Madam, sit still!”

The gunfire continued behind him, Su Qingyu wanted to look back, and Dr. Mu wrapped her body in a blanket.

Hold her in your own arms, “Don’t look back, don’t look!”

Su Qingyu knew that there would definitely be casualties.

These people have been with her for more than half a year, and everyone is familiar with her.

Some are a few years older than her, like elders.

At this moment, because she was fighting, Su Qingyu’s tears flowed silently, and her hands grasped Dr. Mu’s arms.

Gu Lian’s face flashed before her eyes again and again before she died.

“Madam, calm down and don’t cry!Don’t move the fetal gas, otherwise it will easily cause premature birth. You are only more than six months old. If a premature child is not easy to survive, for the sake of the child, you must be strong!”

Su Qingyu knew this truth, but she had just experienced something like that, how could she calm down?

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