Even After Death

Chapter: 788

While patting her back to soothe her emotions, Dr. Mu said softly: “Don’t worry, Mr. Su has been transferred, he is fine, and you are fine. This is already a blessing.”


But just now, she lost a friend who was good to her.

The car drove fast, and it only took ten minutes to go down the mountain and enter the ring road at this speed.

The heavy rain fell densely, and the wiper blades danced quickly and could not finish the rushing rain.

There is a lot of fog in the mountains, coupled with heavy rain and strong winds, it is very difficult to drive in such harsh conditions.

Everyone’s heart was mentioned in her throat, and the child had been making trouble in her stomach for a while.

Su Qingyu touched her stomach over and over again to comfort the child, and said in a sobbing voice: “Children, you have to be good and don’t make trouble. Mom is here, and mom will protect you.””

Under her constant lobbying, the children seemed to really understand, and they didn’t make any more noise, and their stomachs gradually settled down.

Dr. Mu exhaled a turbid breath, “Don’t worry, madam, we will go down the mountain in a few minutes, and we will……”

Before the voice was finished, a dazzling high beam suddenly shot out, and a huge truck rushed out of the corner.

It was too late to dodge at this moment, and the other party had already calculated it.

Attacking back and forth, it is important to take down Su Qingyu.

Dr. Mu had already yelled, holding Su Qingyu firmly with his fingers to prevent her from any collision.

There was an emergency braking sound on the mountain road. If this hits, the off-road vehicle will also be scrapped.

Even if it is not scrapped, under such an impact, Su Qingyu’s stomach will definitely not be able to keep the child if there is a little impact.

At that time, it will be a matter of one corpse and two lives!

Due to the fast off-road speed and the slippery road on rainy days, this brake directly caused the steering wheel to fail and rushed out of the guardrail.

Something worse happened!

Below is the sea, the car fell into the sea, and the people in the car were still bound to die!

Su Qingyu’s body was tilted, and even at this time, Dr. Mu still did not give up on her.

Protecting Su Qingyu with her own body, she resolutely did not let her stomach be touched.

With a ”bang”, the car fell into the sea.

Fortunately, the bodyguards are also professionally trained, and they have quickly opened the car door when they are in the air.

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