Even After Death

Chapter: 789

If the car falls into the water, it will not be able to push the door under the huge resistance.

The bodyguard clasped the armrests tightly with both hands to prevent himself from falling into the sea.

When the car slowly sank, he quickly swam to the back seat and brought Su Qingyu out.

Dr. Mu is very good at water and is a military doctor again. She kept her calm and followed out.

Su Qingyu had only one hand to move, and the bodyguard let her hug her neck.

Su Qingyu is not stupid either. She knows that she can’t panic at this time. She keeps her calm and tries not to cause trouble.

As long as she doesn’t struggle indiscriminately and relaxes her body, her body won’t sink under the water.

After closing his breath for about half a minute, Su Qingyu was taken to the sea by his bodyguards.

She took a big breath of fresh air greedily.

“Madam, hold on, we can get ashore in three minutes at most.”


Su Qingyu’s stomach had already begun to ache, and she panicked, but she knew there was no better way now, she had to calm down.

Three minutes, she just has to hold on for three minutes.

As her lower abdomen became more and more painful, she clenched her lips in pain.

“Madam, what’s wrong with you?”

“Me, my amniotic fluid seems to be broken!”

When she heard this, even Dr. Mu behind her panicked, “Madam, don’t scare me.”

“I have given birth to a child in the sea before, and it feels the same as then.”

“Madam, hold me tight.”

Yan Qi didn’t dare to be slack, and quickly swam to the shore with Su Qingyu.

He laboriously dragged Su Qingyu up and took out the emergency light from his body.

Su Qingyu’s body was full of water, and he couldn’t tell whether it was sea water or amniotic fluid. Dr. Mu said solemnly with a cold face: “Let me see.”

In addition to the amniotic fluid, there was also blood gushing out, and Dr. Mu’s face changed drastically, “It’s not good, my wife’s amniotic fluid is broken, and there is still blood.”

It’s just that the amniotic fluid breaks, which proves that the child is premature, but now it is still accompanied by blood, which complicates the situation.

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